
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigwbiso
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利用减少用料配比在大棚栽培平菇,获得了高产.9月下旬或10月上旬播种,次年3月下旬至4月上旬结束,亩产值近万元.接茬早熟杂交番茄、胡椒或杂交制种可收入1500~1800元,合计每亩年产值超万元.平菇下料还可作肥料.大棚的构造 现有不同规格的大棚,如钢管式、角架式、水泥预制型均可利用.根据棚的内宽大小,内设小棚,一般以1.5米宽为宜.除留好50厘米宽的人行道外,地床四周可用废砖或草泥砌墙,高15厘米,其长短根据大棚而定.棚顶根据大棚的大小用农膜焊接棚套.两头预留固定门,上顶用多幅农膜焊接绑牢.棚四周可另焊一幅农膜作围裙,用塑料绳扣扎,遇高温时放下调节温度. The use of reducing the proportion of materials in the greenhouse cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, obtained high yield .Seven in late September or early October sowing, the end of March next year to the end of early April, the output value of nearly million.At the beginning of pre-ripening hybrid tomato, pepper or hybrid Planting income 1500 ~ 1800 yuan, the total annual output value of ultra-million per mu. Pleurotus ostreatus can also be used as fertilizer. Greenhouses existing different specifications of the greenhouse, such as steel pipe, angle frame, cement prefabricated Use.According to the size of the shed, with a shed, generally 1.5 meters wide is appropriate.In addition to leaving a 50 cm wide sidewalk, to the bed around the waste brick or grass mud wall, 15 cm high, its length According to the shed may be based on the size of the shed plastic roof shed with plastic sheeting set aside two fixed doors, the top of the farm with multiple plastic sheeting tied tightly around the shed can be welded another a plastic sheeting apron, plastic rope Buckle, in case of high temperature down to adjust the temperature.
续志要站在新的历史高度 ,从邓小平理论和江泽民“三个代表”的思想高度 ,对改革开放二十多年历史加以系统的记述。续志的上下限要有利于全面、准确、深刻地反映改革开放的历
摘要:根据现代的种植技术,对黄瓜嫁接时间安排、嫁接方法、嫁接的注意要点及嫁接后的管理进行介绍,为黄瓜嫁接技术人员提供参考,提高黄瓜嫁接种植的成活率。  关键词:黄瓜;嫁接技术;管理;注意事项  黄瓜是人们日常餐桌中常备的蔬菜,在一年四季中都可以吃到,是世界十大蔬菜種植作物之一,在我国蔬菜种植中占有重要地位。大量实践研究证明,黄瓜通过嫁接后病虫害明显减少,根系和抗逆性得到加强,枯萎病的危害也得到控制
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