
来源 :广西中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seakider
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鼻衄是鼻腔粘膜血管破裂引起的出血。轻者因经常出血造成贫血,影响健康;重者因失血过多,可发生失血性休克而危及生命。鼻衄之因颇多,有外因、内因、损伤三方面因素所致,辨证关键在于辨明属“实火”或“虚证”。家父为中医,行医近60年,对鼻衄的治疗有一定经验,他认为:“鼻衄者,血妄行也,血得热则妄行,当降其热,当清其血”。又说:“鼻衄者,血不循经,脾失统摄,当养血归脾”。笔者幼承 The snot is a hemorrhage caused by rupture of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. Lights cause anemia due to frequent bleeding, affecting health; severe cases due to excessive blood loss, hemorrhagic shock can occur and life-threatening. There are many causes of epistaxis, caused by external factors, internal factors, and injuries. The key to differentiation lies in the identification of “real fire” or “deficiency”. Her father had been practicing Chinese medicine for 60 years and had some experience in the treatment of epistaxis. He thought: “The person who has a runny nose and bloody body will also have a bloody fever. When it falls, it will clear its blood.” He also said: "The person who has runny nose will not follow the blood, and the spleen will lose its respiration. Author Yu Cheng
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本文报道乌棒子(Polygala caudata Rehd et Wils)中另一个新的(口山)酮甙,乌棒子甙丙(wubangziside C,I)的分离鉴定,根据理化性质和光谱分析,证明其化学结构为1,3,7-三羟基(
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