来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wilson168168
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This study examined the regional air sea coupled interaction in the South China Sea (SCS), based on the 1979-1995 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data of sea surface temperature (SST) and meridional wind (V component). Singular value decomposition (SVD) and single field principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to analyse the SST and V anomalies and compare the results with each other. It was found that the leading mode of SVD explained a predominant amount of squared covariance between the SST and meridional wind V, and that the time series expansion coefficients of the first mode between SST and V from PCA and SVD resembled very much each other. This infers that the meridional wind, as an indicator of Asian monsoon, is closely related with the SST through the air sea interaction in the SCS. The spatial patterns of the first mode of SST and V exhibit ellipse shaped variance in the SCS center and a NE SW oriented main axis, which are much similar to those in winter season. These results show that the most active center for both V and SST is in the SCS, which suggests that a regional air sea coupled oscillation possibly exists there for the whole year and is noticeable especially during the winter season. So the SCS is a very important region for the forming of the Asian Monsoon and the climate of the west Pacific. This study examined the regional air sea coupled interaction in the South China Sea (SCS), based on the 1979-1995 NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data of sea surface temperature (SST) and meridional wind (V component). Singular value decomposition (SVD) and single field principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to analyze the SST and V anomalies and compare the results with each other. It was found that the leading mode of SVD explained a predominant amount of squared covariance between the SST and meridional wind V, and that the time series expansion coefficients of the first mode between SST and V from PCA and SVD resembled very much each other. This infers that the meridional wind, as an indicator of Asian monsoon, is closely related with the SST through the air sea interaction in the SCS. The spatial patterns of the first mode of SST and V exhibit ellipse shaped variance in the SCS center and a NE SW oriented main axis, which are much similar to those in winter season. These r esults show that the most active center for both V and SST is in the SCS, which suggests that a regional air sea coupled oscillation exists exists for the whole year and is noticeable especially during the winter season. So the SCS is a very important region for the forming of the Asian Monsoon and the climate of the west Pacific.
探讨了25Mn2钢热处理工艺的优化。实验结果表明,25Mn2钢的最佳热处理工艺为:淬火温度880~910℃,保温时间45~50 min(壁厚为10~12 mm);回火温度580~600℃,回火保温时间60 min。