
来源 :重庆政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:conglishan
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(一)本市二次各代會後,我們依照會議的精神,着重對工商業進行調整。改革不合理的公私營企業,進一步調整勞資關係與公私關係,並採取了有計劃的加工定貨收購貸款扶植私營工商業。部份工商業者,在政府幫助扶持與工人階級積極推動下,消除了疑慮,提高了生産的積極性,接受了減高薪、截冗員、反浪費、減低成本、量銷爲産等改革辦法。同時,由於全國物價穩定,城鄉交流逐漸暢通,國營工廠的復工,尤其是成渝鐵路的動工興築,帶動了許多私營工商業的恢復。使六月以來,私營工商業遂月加多,公私營廠商的產量與交易數字均逐月遞升,進出口貨也增加到一倍以上,全市工商業普遍的呈现好轉。但是,四個月來私營工商業的改革還只是部份的,而且都不澈底。另外,也有不少工商業者,對於改革沒有信心,自己抱着消極觀望的態 (I) After the Second Congress of the Municipality, in accordance with the spirit of the conference, we will focus on the adjustment of business and industry. We should reform unreasonable public and private enterprises, further adjust relations between labor and capital and between public and private sectors, and adopt planned purchase orders for processing goods to finance private industry and commerce. Some business people, with the help of the government and the active promotion of the working class, have eliminated their doubts, raised their enthusiasm for production, and accepted the reform measures of reducing wages, cutting back on staff, eliminating waste, reducing costs, and selling quotas. In the meantime, the resumption of labor of State-owned factories, especially the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, has led to the recovery of many private industries and businesses as a result of the steady price and the smooth urban-rural exchange. Since June, the number of private industrial and commercial enterprises has gone up month by month. The output and transaction figures of both public and private manufacturers have risen month by month, and the import and export of goods have more than doubled. The industry and commerce in the city have generally shown a turn for the better. However, the reform of the private industry and commerce in the past four months is still only partial and not complete. In addition, there are also many business people who have no confidence in the reform and are holding their own negative attitude
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无锡某化工厂含盐废水设计废水量约17 m3/d,废水中主要含有钙、镁、铜、硝酸铵等污染物。根据原水水质特点并结合企业需求,进行了软化工艺与浓缩工艺的详细比选,确立了以石灰+碳酸钠为前端软化工艺,蒸汽机械再压缩技术(MVR)为核心浓缩工艺,并辅以RO末端处理的整体处理工艺。设计中,根据硝酸铵浓水回收的浓度需求结合废水易结晶特性,选定MVR压缩机为罗茨式压缩机并对级间管路进行了详细的保温与降阻设计。经
机场飞行区消防管网由于自身系统的庞大和特殊性,对安全性及渗漏率的要求远比市政管网更严格。在青岛新机场工程(总管长超过50 km)飞行区消防管网设计中,存在节点流量大及跑道消火栓出水量巨大、跑道消火栓最大布置间距可达200 m等难点,导致无匹配的计算方法,由此带来水力计算中设计节点水量及"容差"设置的争议。如沿用保守简单的枝状管网(即选择最远路径)对最不利点进行水力校核计算,其结果往往与实际偏差较大