因时而变 开启深化税收征管改革的新征程

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当今中国,经济飞速发展,社会急剧变迁。国情在变,税情也在变。纳税人的数量急剧增长,跨地区、跨行业的大型企业集团纷纷涌现,纳税人的经营方式、经营业务不断调整、日益复杂,纳税人的法律意识和维权意识不断增强,涉税诉求多样化、服务需求个性化的趋势日渐明显这些都给税收征管工作理念、管理方式、资源配置、人员素质等带来深刻影响和巨大冲击。“危机”二字,相克相生。形势的变化,既对现行税收征管模式提出了严峻挑战,也为其创新提供了机遇和条件。以智慧地球、物联网、云计算等为代表的新一轮信息技术革命方兴未艾,为我们依托现代技术手段加强税收征管提供了可能。这些年来税收管理信息化建设取得明显进展,计算机网络全面覆盖,信息系统日臻完善,征管数据基本实现向省局、总局集中……穷则变,变则通。当改革已经成为当今中国最鲜明的特征,面对新的形势,我们别无选择。 In today’s China, rapid economic development and rapid social changes. National conditions are changing, the tax situation is changing. The number of taxpayers has risen sharply. Large groups of enterprises across regions and industries have emerged. Taxpayers ’management methods and business operations have been constantly adjusted and increasingly complicated. Taxpayers’ legal consciousness and awareness of safeguarding their rights have been constantly enhanced, diversification of tax-related demands, The trend of personalization of service needs has become increasingly apparent. All of these have brought profound impact and great impact on tax collection and management philosophy, management mode, resource allocation and personnel quality. “Crisis ” the word, phase grams born. The change of the situation not only poses a severe challenge to the current tax collection and administration system, but also provides opportunities and conditions for its innovation. The new round of information technology revolution represented by smart earth, internet of things and cloud computing is in the ascendant and it is possible for us to strengthen tax administration by means of modern technology. In recent years, remarkable progress has been made in the informatization construction of taxation administration. The computer network has been fully covered and the information system has been perfected. The collection and management of data has basically been centralized with the provincial bureau and the central administration. When reform has become the most distinctive feature of China today, we have no choice but to face the new situation.
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