In the entertaining atmosphere, the film leads people into the well-known and personal life behind the computer giant. Title “Steve Jobs Biography” star Joshua Michael Stern starring Ashton Kutcher, Josh Gade, Dermot Moroni and other gray plot / biopic Release date 2013 8 / January 16 (North America) More than ever before, people were concerned about his ups and downs since the death of cancer by Apple founder Steve Jobs in October 2011. His history of entrepreneurship, his speech, his biography, and even his favorite clothes to wear, have once again become an important topic for people. So that Hollywood also in the shortest possible time, quickly set up at least two teams for the amazing man making and filming biographical films. The “Steve Jobs”, chaired by young director Joshua Michael Stern, obviously took the lead. Not only set a summer file released in the United States, but also employed by popular actor Ashton Kutcher starring, the popularity is also very high. However, the film has a strong entertainment rhyme, and the long-term expectations of the critics seems to be a distance. For example, this video is available