Crustal S-wave velocity structure of the Yellowstone region using a seismic ambient noise method

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ypengw
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The Yellowstone volcano is one of the largest active volcanoes in the world,and its potential hazards demand detailed seismological and geodetic studies.Previous studies with travel time tomography and receiver functions have revealed a low-velocity layer in the crust beneath the Yellowstone volcano,suggesting the presence of a magma chamber at depth.We use ambient seismic noise from regional seismic stations to retrieve short-period surface waves and then study the shallow shear velocity structure of the Yellowstone region by surface wave dispersion analysis.We first obtained a crustal model of the area outside of the Yellowstone volcano and then constructed an absolute shear wave velocity structure in combination with receiver function results for the crust beneath the Yellowstone volcano.The velocity model shows a low-velocity layer with shear velocity at around1.3 km/s,suggesting that a large-scale magma chamber exists at shallow levels within the crust of the Yellowstone volcanic region. The Yellowstone volcano is one of the largest active volcanoes in the world, and its potential hazards demand detailed seismological and geodetic studies. Previous studies with travel time tomography and receiver functions have revealed a low-velocity layer in the crust beneath the Yellowstone volcano, suggesting the presence of a magma chamber at depth. We use ambient seismic noise from regional seismic stations to retrieve short-period surface waves and then study the shallow shear velocity structure of the Yellowstone region by surface wave dispersion analysis. We first obtained a crustal model of the area outside of the Yellowstone volcano and then constructed an absolute shear wave velocity structure in combination with receiver function results for the crust beneath the Yellowstone volcano.The velocity model shows a low-velocity layer with shear velocity at around 1.3 km / s, suggesting that a large-scale magma chamber exists at shallow levels within the crust of the Yellowstone volcanic region.
共产党真心诚意 曹聚仁竭尽全力  1956年7月,当章士钊受中共委托,从北京到香港,为国共和谈穿针引线的时候,另一个神秘人物也风尘仆仆地肩负同样使命从香港来到北京,这个神秘人物就是曹聚仁。  曹聚仁是个有一定政治能力的文化人。他曾是章太炎的高足,做过记者、教授和作家。1934年,他在上海私立怀久女中当国文教师时,批判旧思想,支持新事物,并且积极主张抗日救国,深得学生们的爱戴。他一生有很多朋友,包括