Experimental study of effect of Ganyanping on fibrosis in rat livers

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengrui0216
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AIM:To observe the effects of Ganyanping on CCl4-inducedhepatic fibrosis in rats.METHODS:The rats were separated randomly into fivegroups.Groups A to group D,each consisting of 15 rats,were for different tests,while 8 rats were used as normalcontrols (N).For group D,CCI4 was injected subcutaneously,at a dosage of 3 ml/kg for 9 weeks.For group A,Ganyanping was administered via gastric tube at a dosageof 10 ml/kg.For group B,the treatment with Ganyanpingwas started 4 weeks after CCI4 administration.In groupC,Ganyanping was administered 8 weeks after theintoxication,and treatment lasted for 4 weeks.Livertissues were fixed in 10 % formalin and embedded inparaffin.Pathologic changes,particularly fibrosis,wereevaluated on the HE and V-G-stained sections.Ten middle-power fields were randomly selected for assessment ofcollagen deposition.RESULTS:Loss of normal hepatic architecture,some withpseudo-lobule formation,was observed in group D,whilehepatocytes steatosis and fibrosis were less pronouncedin the animals treated with Ganyanping.Pseudo-lobuleformation was not evident in the latter groups.The totalcollagen area and ratio were 840.23±81.65 and 7.0±0.9,respectively in group D,the ratio being reduced greatlyin the Ganyanping-treated groups (148.73±45.89 and1.16±0.33,respectively).The activities of MAO and ACPwere elevated and that of SDH in group D decreased inthe hepatic tissue as compared to the control group.Thetreatment with Ganyanping abrogated these enzymaticchanges.CONCLUSION:Our data approved that Ganyanping couldimprove the microcirculation in the liver,reduce oxygen-derived free radicals,and enhance the cellular metabolismand immune function,all resulting in an anti-fibrotic effect.Hence,Ganyanping can protect the liver from fibrosis.It may be a safe and effective preparation for patient withfibrosis. AIM: To observe the effects of Ganyanping on CCl4-inducedhepatic fibrosis in rats. METHODS: The rats were separated randomly into five groups. Group A to group D, each consisting of 15 rats, were for different tests, while 8 rats were used as normalcontrols For group D, CCI4 was injected subcutaneously, at a dosage of 3 ml / kg for 9 weeks. For group A, Ganyanping was administered via gastric tube at a dosage of 10 ml / kg. For group B, the treatment with Ganyanpingwas started 4 weeks after CCI4 administration.In group C, Ganyanping was administered for 8 weeks after theintoxication, and treatment lasted for 4 weeks. Livertissues were fixed in 10% formalin and embedded inparaffin. Pathologic changes, particularly fibrosis, wereevaluated on the HE and VG- RESULTS: Loss of normal hepatic architecture, some with pseudo-lobule formation, was observed in group D, whilehepatocytes steatosis and fibrosis were less pronoun cedin the animals treated with Ganyanping. Pseudo-lobuleformation was not evident in the latter groups. totalcollagen area and ratio were 840.23 ± 81.65 and 7.0 ± 0.9, respectively in group D, the ratio being reduced greatly in the Ganyanping-treated groups (148.73 ± 45.89 and 1.16 ± 0.33, respectively). The activities of MAO and ACPwere elevated and that of SDH in group D decreased inthe hepatic tissue as compared to the control group. The treatment with Ganyanping abrogated these enzymaticchanges.CONCLUSION: Our data approved that Ganyanping couldimprove the microcirculation in the liver, reduce oxygen-derived free radicals, and enhance the cellular metabolismand immune function, all resulting in an anti-fibrotic effect .ence, Ganyanping can protect the liver from fibrosis. It may be a safe and effective preparation for patient withfibrosis.
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