
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robert198121
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动画影片特有的感染力与创作形式决定了它具有独特的审美特征,这些审美表达大体可归纳为四点。一、幻想性审美动画艺术是想象的艺术,是创造梦幻的艺术,天马行空的想象是动画片的标志。在实拍的影片中,逼真感是人们所追求的,越体现生活的本质,就越能得到观众们的认同,也更能激发观众的热情。相比之下,动画片不以表现普通人的真实生活为重点,而要极力摆脱传统美学与理性思维的制约,以幻想的表现手法使观众在思 Animated films unique appeal and form of creation determines it has a unique aesthetic characteristics, these aesthetic expressions can be generally divided into four points. First, the fantasy aesthetic art is the imagination of the art is to create a fantastic art, abstract imagination is a sign of animation. In real film, realistic sense is the pursuit of people, the more the essence of life, the more you can get the audience’s recognition, but also more able to inspire the enthusiasm of the audience. In contrast, the cartoon does not focus on representing the real life of ordinary people, but tries hard to get rid of the constraints of traditional aesthetics and rational thinking, making the audience think in terms of fantasy
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