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我场先锋工区毛竹丰产林分,面积零点四亩。最近进行了调查,现将调查材料整理如下: (一)关于造林情况 该毛竹园系一九六六年种植,当时种植密度为每亩二十株,株行距15×20市尺。毛竹岩规格质量为5×3×1.5市尺,母竹均来源于浙江省余杭,年龄2—3年生,平均围径3.5寸。由于第一年发展毛竹缺乏经验,种植时上实下空,栽植过深,年终成活只有百分之三十三,保留母竹只有三株。一九六七年,按照原订株行距进行补植,实行深塘、浅种、紧围,四分地补苗八株,成活和保存率达到百分之百。 (二)关于立地条件情况 丰产林分的立地条件属中偏上,位于虞山北坡山脚平地,坡向东北,土壤系石英岩风化而成的黄棕壤,土层一米以上,质地较粘,PH值5.6—6,平均日照九至十小时,能适应毛竹生长。 (三)关于抚育管理情况 造林前的林地为马尾松纯林,混生有少量的枫香和锥栗等阔叶树种,六六年造林当年穴垦一丈见方,一九六七年冬到一九六八年春实行全垦抚育(深一市尺),间种苕子。全垦时松什树全部伐清,并清除石块,树根和草根。一九六八年至一九七一年的四年中,每年都间种南瓜、西香瓜及黄豆等农作物,冬季以间种蔬菜为主。同时施放 My field pioneer work area bamboo yield forest, an area of ​​0.4 acres. The survey was conducted recently and the survey materials are now compiled as follows: (a) About afforestation situation The bamboo plantation was planted in 1966 at a planting density of 20 plants per acre at a plant spacing of 15 × 20. Moso bamboo quality specifications for the size of 5 × 3 × 1.5 feet, mother bamboo are from Yuhang, Zhejiang Province, aged 2-3 years, average circumference 3.5 inches. Due to the lack of experience in the first year of development of the bamboo industry, when planting, it was really empty and planted too deep, with only 33% of the year-end survival and only three of the remaining mother bamboo reserves. In 1967, replanting was carried out according to the original row spacing, and eight deep-planting, shallow planting, tight planting and four-quarter supplementary planting were implemented. The survival rate and the preservation rate reached 100%. (B) of the site conditions of the site conditions of high yield stands on the middle and upper, is located in the northern slope of Yushan feet flat, slope to the northeast, the soil Department of quartzite weathered yellow brown soil, soil more than one meter, texture than Sticky, PH value of 5.6-6, the average sunshine nine to ten hours to adapt to the growth of bamboo. (C) on the management of tending The forest before afforestation is pure Pinus massoniana, mixed with a small amount of maple and chestnut and other broad-leaved tree species, sixty-six year afforestation Aizhifang afforestation, 1967 winter to nine In the spring of 1988, all cultivated and nurtured (deep a city ruler), intercropping prickly heat. All cultivated when the pine trees cleared all, and remove stones, roots and grass roots. In the four years from 1968 to 1971, crops such as pumpkin, cantaloupe, and soybeans were cultivated every year in winter, and vegetables were mainly used in winter. At the same time cast
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【内容摘要】为了保证高中英语教学质量的提升,我们要进行英语教学工作的深入研究,促进其教学系统的完善,以实现英语教学系统内部各个环节的有效协调,这需要我们根据实际教学情况,进行英语教学提问技巧的应用。  【关键词】英语教学 提问技巧 英语方案 管理深化  一、我国高中英语教学的现状  随着知识经济的发展,我国素质教育的不断推进,满足了社会经济的发展需求。在此过程中,英语教学越来越受到社会各界的广泛重
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美国当地时间2月24日,好莱坞杜比剧院。  李安凭借《少年派的奇幻漂流》击败史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格、迈克尔·哈内克等劲敌,获得第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖。这是他继《断背山》后再次获得该奖项。  “谢谢大家,谢谢‘电影之神’,感谢和我一同工作的3000多名同事,我要和你们分享这个奖项,谢谢你们相信这个故事,谢谢你们和我一同分享这个旅程。感谢……”虽然不是第一次手捧小金人,但是李安兴奋的有些语无伦次,