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他叫苏里,是我国的第一代功勋导演,在摄影棚里受到过毛主席的接见。他导演的《刘三姐》、《红孩子》、《平原游击队》、《我们村里的年轻人》等影片,影响了一代又一代的中国人。如今,他86岁了,思维依然敏捷,内心依然年轻。在结发妻子吴静去世7年后,他又爱上了小他33岁的邻居,像 His name, Suri, is the first generation of meritorious director in China. He was interviewed by Chairman Mao in the studio. His films “Third Sister Liu,” “Red Kids,” “Plain Guerrillas,” and “Young Men in Our Villages” have influenced generations of Chinese people. Today, he is 86 years old, his mind is still agile, and his heart is still young. Seven years after his wife Wu Jing died, he fell in love with his 33-year-old neighbor
  Helicobacter pylori colonizes the human stomach of about half of the world population.The colonized individuals may develop gastritis,peptic ulcer,gastric c
曾在中国资本市场上呼风唤雨的资本大鳄正纷纷倒下:唐氏兄弟的「德隆系」、张海、顾雏军……下一个,会是有股市「金手指」之称的南京斯威特集团董事长严晓群吗? The capital
湘杂六号系湖南省蔬菜研究所选育的晚熟一代杂交茄子 ,1999年2月通过湖南省品种审定。该组合植株生长势强 ,株高103厘米 ,开展度100厘米。果直径5 8 -6厘米 ,单果重210 -350克。晚熟 ,从定植到采
为了探讨草莓“重茬”栽培的可行性 ,1995年以来 ,乐亭县徐家店乡农技研究会 ,通过多点连续试验示范 ,终于摸索出棚(室)草莓一栽长两年 ,来年仍高产的经验。据1998年4月调查 ,总面积1334 (平
巨峰葡萄是目前省内栽培面积较大的优良品种之一。该品种粒大、穗重、味甜、多汁 ,颇受消费者欢迎。该品种适应性强、树势较旺、早熟丰产、定植第二年即可见果、三年667 (亩)即可
  In the 1920s,methylglyoxal,a keto-aldehyde was widely held as one of the key intermediates of glucose breakdown.But with the elucidation of Embden-Meyerhoff
  To succesfully develop innovative drugs in neuroscience,pharmaceutical researchers cannot limit themselves to classical methods to classify patients and to
  Paclitaxel is one of the most important anticancer agents developed due to its impressive anti-tumor activity in a variety of tumors in patients.Its anti-tu