Using artificially controlled inoculation and onset conditions, the isolates of durum wheat cultivars and their isolates of wheat leaf blight isolates from durum wheat, as well as the soft wheat varieties and the wheat isolated from soft wheat Two combinations of leaf blight strains were pathologically histologically studied. The results showed that 12h after inoculation, the conidia germinated and invaded into the stomatal cavity from the stomata, and the latent period of disease was 8 to 10 days. At 14 days after inoculation, the mycelium accumulated in the stomatal cavity began to form with the stomatal cavity Conidia with concomitant individual conidia completely formed and conidia mature, a large number of pathogens on the release of the next generation of re-infecting conidia generally invaded 16d. Therefore, the disease can be re-infected multiple times during the growth period of wheat.