The output torque estimation of MCMG for agile satellites

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaliya
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Studied in this paper are the attitude control law design and the output torque estimation problem of micro control moment gyros(MCMGs) for the agile satellites executing rapid attitude maneuver mission.An algorithm is proposed for estimating the output torques and the gimbal angular rates of MCMGs,which can help engineers to choose reasonable size for actuators so that the cost of satellite can be decreased.According to some special maneuver missions, a numerical example of attitude control system for a small satellite with MCMGs in pyramid configuration is studied, and the simulation results validate the proposed estimation algorithm. Studied in this paper are the attitude control law design and the output torque estimation problem of micro control moment gyros (MCMGs) for the agile satellites executing rapid attitude maneuver mission. An algorithm is proposed to estimate the output torques and the gimbal angular rates of MCMGs , which can help engineers to choose reasonable size for actuators so that the cost of satellite can be decreased. According to some special maneuver missions, a numerical example of attitude control system for a small satellite with MCMGs in pyramid configuration is studied, and the simulation results validate the proposed estimation algorithm.
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