能参与三峡建设 我非常自豪——两院院士潘家铮专访

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三峡建大坝,高峡出平湖,中国人的百年沧桑梦。从上个世纪初孙中山先生提出修建三峡大坝后,近百年来,国人对三峡工程的关注和争议就从来没有停止过。今天,历史前进的脚步,使三峡之梦得以成真。2006年5月20日14时,三峡大坝--世界上规模最大的混凝土大坝终于在中国长江西陵峡全线建成,达到海拔185米的设计高程,它标志着三峡水利枢纽主体工程完工,是三峡工程建设的一个重要里程碑。潘家铮,这位在近年来因三峡工程而为人们所熟知的中国科学院、中国工程院院士,是参与书写三峡历史新篇章的人之一。在接受北京电视台《世纪之约》栏目的专访时,这位年届八旬的老人说,能参与三峡建设,我感到非常自豪。潘家铮,土木工程学家。浙江绍兴人。1950年毕业于浙江大学。一直从事水力发电建设工作,先后参加和主持过黄坛口、流溪河、东方、新安江、七里泷、乌溪江、锦屏、磨房沟等大中型水电站的设计工作,参加乌江渡、葛洲坝、凤滩、陈村等工程的审查研究工作,指导龙羊峡、东江、二滩、小湾、龙滩、三峡等大型水电工程的设计工作,研究进一步加快开发我国水电资源的措施。在学术方面,主要致力于创造性地运用力学理论解决实际设计问题,对许多复杂的结构提出了新的计算理论和方法。在设计中注意采用新技术、新结构,推动技术的发展。研究和推导出不稳定扬压力和封闭式排水设计理论等。1980当选为中国科学院院士, 1994年选聘为中国工程院院士,曾任中国工程院副院长。 The Three Gorges Dam, high-level out of Pinghu, the Chinese people's century-long dream. Since the proposal of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the last century, the concern and controversy over the Three Gorges Project has never stopped in the past century. Today, the pace of history has made the Three Gorges Dream come true. At 20:00 on May 20, 2006, the Three Gorges Dam, the largest concrete dam in the world, was finally completed in Xiling Gorge, the Yangtze River in China, reaching a design elevation of 185 meters. It marked the completion of the main project of the Three Gorges Project and was completed Three Gorges Project Construction an important milestone. Pan Jiazheng, one of the people familiar with the Three Gorges Project in recent years from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is one of the people involved in writing a new chapter in the history of the Three Gorges. In an interview with Beijing Television's “About the Century,” the 80-year-old man said he was very proud to participate in the construction of the Three Gorges. Pan Jiazheng, civil engineer. Shaoxing, Zhejiang. In 1950 graduated from Zhejiang University. Has been engaged in hydropower construction work, has participated in and presided over the Huang Tan Kou, Liuxihe, the East, Xin'anjiang, Qililong, Wuxijiang, Jinping, Moguogou and other large and medium-sized hydropower station design work, to participate in Wujiang ferry, Gezhouba, Fengtan and Chencun, to guide the design of large-scale hydropower projects such as Longyangxia, Dongjiang, Ertan, Xiaowan, Longtan and the Three Gorges and to study measures for further accelerating the development of hydropower resources in China. On the academic level, he is mainly devoted to creatively applying mechanics theory to solve practical design problems and proposes new computational theories and methods for many complex structures. In the design of attention to the use of new technologies and new structures to promote the development of technology. Research and derive the unsteady uplift pressure and closed drainage design theory. 1980 Elected as Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1994 appointed as the Chinese Academy of Engineering, former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
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