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有人说,教辅是现今基础教育——从学校、教师到家长、学生——一个解不开的结。它的是非功过、兴亡存废,一直是出版者、教育者乃至家长密切关注,以至争论不休的“大问题”。教辅由于充斥着“应试教育”的内容和形式,被一些人视为洪水猛兽而大张挞伐。然而,无论人们怎样歧视它、蔑视它,甚而必欲置之于死地,教辅仍然旺盛地、畸形地挺立着,以一种复杂的心态斜睨教坛风云变幻。一个奇特的事实是,不少人在讨伐教辅的同时,却一刻也离不开它。而且,从目前情形来看,教师、学生、家长对教辅的依赖似乎越来越严重。包罗万象的教辅、精芜杂陈的教辅、功过难说的教辅……一句话,说不尽的教辅。我们该怎样认识教辅?又怎样利用教辅?教辅的前途会怎样?教辅市场应该怎样规范?怎样让教辅趋利避害?这些问题也许不是一两句话说得清的。好在我们这次邀请的专家、教师和学生对教辅都有切身的认识和体会,他们的观点和说法对廓清教辅市场上的迷雾,澄清人们的认识,从而让教辅发挥正确和应有的作用,应该有所帮助。就让我们来听一听他们的声音吧。 Some people say that Jiaofu is an inextricable knot in today’s basic education—from schools, teachers, parents, and students. It is a non-utility, a rise and fall, and it has always been a “big problem” that publishers, educators, and even parents pay close attention to and even argue. Due to the content and forms of “exam-oriented education”, Jiaofu was seen by some as a flood and beast. However, no matter how people discriminate against it, despise it, or even desperately wish to put it to death, Jiaofu still stands prosperously and deformedly, and with a complex mentality, it is time to change the landscape of the teaching world. The peculiar fact is that while many people are crusade against teaching aids, they cannot do without it at the moment. Moreover, from the current situation, the dependence of teachers, students, and parents on teaching aid seems to be getting worse. All-inclusive teaching aids, refined teaching aids, and hard-to-follow teaching aids... a sentence that can not be summed up. How do we understand the teaching and how to use the teaching assistant? The future of the teaching assistants? How should the teaching aid market be standardized? How can we help students avoid disadvantages? These questions may not be clearly explained in one or two sentences. Fortunately, experts, teachers, and students invited by us this time have a personal understanding and experience of Jiaofu. Their viewpoints and arguments clarify the confusion in the Jiaofu market and clarify people’s understanding, so that Jiaofu can play a correct and appropriate role. Some effects should help. Let us listen to their voices.
我的耳朵里又被灌进一些风言风语了,我的心难过了起来。刚刚还和我激烈地讨论着数学题的奇奇将他的练习本从我的手臂下慢慢地抽走了,然后我看到他心情复杂地扫了我一眼, 转身