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硅藻氧同位素已日益成为重要的定量古气候研究手段,但在我国仍处探索阶段.选取东北四龙湾玛珥湖进行了为期2a的湖泊监测、样品收集和现代硅藻氧同位素研究,为该玛珥湖定量化古气候记录研究奠定基础.逐步氟化条件实验表明,我们已完全具备和掌握了硅藻氧同位素研究的实验设备和技术方法.现代硅藻样品的氧同位素结果显示,在3.6~24℃的水体温度区间硅藻氧同位素与生长温度存在着线性分馏关系,分馏梯度为–0.185‰/℃~–0.238‰/℃,与近年来不同水体、不同地区、不同种属以及实验室培养硅藻的研究结果有良好的一致性,揭示了硅藻壳体氧同位素的分馏效应主要受控于生长温度.四龙湾表层和底层沉积硅藻氧同位素的对比研究发现,二者存在一定的差别,可能与不同深度沉积过程的差异以及硅藻来源差异有关. Diatom oxygen isotope has increasingly become an important quantitative paleoclimate research method, but it is still in the exploratory stage in our country.Selecting the lacustrine 2a monitoring, sample collection and modern diatom oxygen isotope study in the Ma Long Lake, The research on the quantitative paleoclimate records of Maar Lake laid the foundation for the progress of fluorination experiments.It is shown that we have fully equipped and mastered the experimental equipment and technical methods for the study of oxygen isotopes of diatoms.According to the oxygen isotope results of modern diatom samples, There is a linear fractionation relationship between the oxygen isotopes of diatoms and the growth temperature in the temperature range of ~ 24 ℃. The fractional gradient is -0.185 ‰ / ℃ ~ -0.238 ‰ / ℃, which is similar to that in different water bodies, different regions, different species and laboratories in recent years The results of the cultivation of diatoms are in good agreement, revealing that the fractional effect of oxygen isotopes in the diatom shell is mainly controlled by the growth temperature. A comparative study of the oxygen and oxygen isotopes of diatoms deposited in the surface and bottom sediments of Four Longwan found that both The differences may be related to the differences of depositional processes at different depths and the differences in the source of diatoms.
本文为结膜囊高度挛缩,造成穹窿消失,眼窝凹陷的患者施行Beiens一smith结膜囊成形术16例。介绍了手术方法并讨论眼窝内各种置入材料的优缺点,分析了手术成功的因素。 This a
氯离子通道与农业害虫的抗药性发生有密切关联。本研究结合转录组测序及荧光定量PCR技术,鉴定和分析黄曲条跳甲Phyllotreta striolata(Fabricius)谷氨酸门控氯离子通道(GluCl
现将经 CT 扫描检查确诊与手术病理证实的鼻腔、鼻窦病变84例分析如下。资料与方法本组84例,男性62例,女性22例,年龄14~72岁,平均年龄48.7岁。主要临床症状为鼻阻78例,分泌物
Development and application of phage display technology and research progress of virus affinity peptide were summarized in the paper,and a preliminary outlook f
患者男,64岁.因发现右胸壁肿物逐渐长大3年余于2005年1月2日入院.胸部X线示右侧胸壁实性肿物,边界清楚;双肺未见异常.B超示肝囊肿;胆囊结石;双肾异常回声,不除外慢性肾疾病可能,右肾多发小囊肿.术中见肿物大小18 cm×14 cm×12 cm,质地硬,似有包膜,表面血管丰富。
“YD/T 1365-2006 Technical Requirements for Radio Access Network (RAN) Equipment of 2GHz TD-SCDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication Network and other 34 sta