Summer Memories

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My favorite memories from mychildhood were the summers I spentin my grandpa’s home. In a peacefulcountryside village far from the hustle andbustle of city life, I enjoyed most of mydays. It is common for people living in thecountryside to raise a number of domesticpoultry around their houses; but to me,they are not poultry, they are my animalfriends. Sharing the same world and livingharmoniously with them made mesometimes think they are my brothers andsisters. We played together most of thetime; I even spent less time with my cousins My favorite memories from my childhood are were the summers I spentin my grandpa’s home. In a peacefulcountryside village far from the hustle andbustle of city life, I enjoyed most of mydays. It is common for people living in the countryside to raise a number of domesticpoultry around their houses ; but to me,they are not poultry, they are my animalfriends. Sharing the same world and livingharmoniously with them made mesometimes think they are my brothers andsisters. We played together most of the time; I even spent less time with my cousins
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