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高中语文课本第六册《信陵君窃符救赵》一文中有这样一句话: “平原君使者冠盖相属于魏,……。”对这句话,课本这样注释“[冠盖相属(zhǔ]使者相连接。冠盖,指使者。”揣摩教材编写者将“冠盖”注为“使者”的依据是“冠盖”指使者的穿戴和乘坐的车子,这里运用了借代的修辞手法,以部分代整体。这样似乎也言之有理。但联系语境看,就有问题了。因为“冠盖相属”前面有“平原君的使者”作全句的主语,再将“冠盖”译成“使 In the sixth volume of the High School Chinese Textbook, “Sin Lingjun steals the character and saves Zhao”, there is a sentence like this: “The plain governor’s crown and cap phase belong to Wei,...” For this sentence, the textbook commented “[The crown is covered by the genus]. ] The messenger is connected. The cap, the instructor.” The author of the textbook wrote that the “crown cover” was used as “the messenger” on the basis of the “crown cover” worn by the instructor and the car he was riding on. The rhetorical device of the borrower was used here. Overall, this seems to be justified, but in the context of the connection, there is a problem, because the “Coverage and Belonging” is preceded by the “plain of the Emperor of the Plains” as the subject of the whole sentence, and then the “Cover” is translated as “Making
<正> [阅读要求] 1、读准字音,读清句读。本单元四篇课文都是文言文,学习文言文的重要方法是诵读。诵读首先要读准字音。对不常见的字,要认准字形,读准字音;对一字数音的
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