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未来超声速飞行器需要耐高温、动态密封,用于可移动壁板、舱门、襟副翼等结构。目前的密封技术并不能满足应用要求,一种新型先进的陶瓷栅板式密封因其具有耐高温、柔韧性、低渗透性、耐久性等优点正显示出极大的发展空间。然而很多因素影响着栅板式密封的渗透率,如:栅板的高度公差、栅板与沟槽之间长度和宽度方向的间隙等,本文主要介绍美国航空航天局开展的栅板式密封渗透率试验,总结出渗透率最低的栅板安装参数组合,研究在该参数组合下不同栅板几何形状尺寸对密封渗透率的影响,对国内刚起步的热密封技术研究和密封组件研制有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。 Future supersonic aircraft require high temperature, dynamic seal for removable siding, doors, flaperons and other structures. The current sealing technology does not meet the application requirements, a new advanced ceramic grid seal because of its high temperature, flexibility, low permeability, durability and other advantages are showing great room for development. However, many factors affect the permeability of the grid seal, such as the height tolerance of the grid, the gap between the grid and the trench in the length and width directions, etc. This paper mainly introduces the Grid Seal Penetration Test conducted by NASA , Summed up the lowest permeability of the combination of grid installation parameters to study the geometric parameters of different grid under the combination of parameters on the permeability of the seal on the domestic first step heat sealing technology research and development of seal components have some reference value And reference.
本刊讯中国国际航空股份有限公司与香港国泰航空有限公司于2010年2月25日在北京就成立共同拥有的货运航空公司签署框架协 The newsletter Air China Co., Ltd. and Hong Kon
随着京津、武广、郑西、沪宁高铁的先后开通,公路客运业遭遇前所未有的行业生存危机,一些长途客运线路客流量明显减少,与高铁重复的城际间公路客运票价大幅缩水,公路客运面临空前的市场压力。  重压之下,关于“公铁竞争”的话题自然就更多地出现在媒体、论坛和行业管理部门的各种文件中。相比较于高油价带来的恐慌,高铁时代的提前到来给道路运输业的冲击更加显性和严重!  中国的铁路建设在突破了技术瓶颈后,以高铁为代表
公路养护改革必须进人力资源的重新配置和优化管理,关键是实行岗位聘任制,完善绩效考核,加强职工教育培训,完善社会保障体系。 The reform of highway maintenance must ent
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This February,National Bureau of Statistics of China released its annual report on the 2009 National Economic and Social Development.Generally speaking,the nati