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病症1:医疗服务公平性下降药方:打破城乡、所有制等界限,建立覆盖全民的、一体化的体制一直以来,中国的医疗卫生体制建设是按城乡、所有制、就业状态来分别组织实施的。专家认为,这种制度建设方式有失公平,其具体表现就是现行医疗保险制度覆盖面太小。目前在城镇地区,医疗保障(保险)制度所覆盖的人群大约有1亿人左右,不足全部城镇从业人员的半数;在农村地区,则只有全部人口的10%左右。城镇医保的目标人群只包括就业人员及符合条件的退休人员,将绝大部分少年儿童、城镇非就业人口、非公有制部门的从业人员,以及以农民工为代表的流动人员排斥在外。农村医保由于采取自愿参加的原则,事实上只有农村中相对富裕的群体才能参加。而最贫困的农村居民,通常也是最需要帮助的人,却因为缺乏缴费 Illness 1: Decreased fairness in medical services Prescription: Breaking the boundaries between urban and rural areas and ownership, and establishing an all-encompassing system All along, the medical and health system in China has been organized and implemented according to urban and rural areas, ownership and employment status. Experts believe that the construction of this system is unfair, and its concrete manifestation is that the coverage of the existing medical insurance system is too small. At present, in urban areas, the population covered by the medical insurance (insurance) system is about 100 million people, less than half of all urban employees; in rural areas, only about 10% of the total population. The target population for urban health insurance includes only employed persons and eligible retirees, excluding the vast majority of children and adolescents, urban non-employed people, employees in the non-public sector, and migrant workers represented by migrant workers. As a result of the principle of voluntary participation in rural health insurance, in fact only relatively affluent groups in rural areas can participate. The poorest rural residents, who are usually the ones most in need of help, are also lacking in payment
芦笋茎枯病(Phoma asparagi Sacc)每年都有不同程度的发生为害,据1983~1986年的调查,一般年份的发病株率为70~90%,个别年份重病田发病株率高达100%,致使植株早期变黄落叶枯死,
近年来,我市在推广柑桔病虫害综合防治技术中,各果园广泛采用树冠冲水防治柑桔红、黄蜘蛛,效果显著。 一、树冠冲水方法 自来水或抽水机抽出的水用软管接到果园,用钢丝钳或
第12卷第1期 研究报告浙南主要木腐菌调查研究……篮云龙(1)豆腐柴叶制取低甲氧基果胶 工艺条件研究·········……陈顺伟等(13)山核桃枝枯病观察与研究…胡国良等(1
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