名鸡产名蛋 名品闯市场

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从第一张100件童装订单开始做起,到形成年2000万美元的出口加工贸易规模,“博士蛙”化了三年时间,依靠智慧和努力,积累了原始资本,闯出了一条品牌之路。1993年起,上海博士蛙儿童系列产品有限公司参照国际知名品牌的成功经验,确定了以产品培育品牌、以品牌赢得资产的企业发展道路,瞄准世界一流产品,培育“博士蛙”儿童系列品牌,走品牌道路,取得了一系列明显成效。品牌是企业经营和发展的拳头1993年,博士蛙品牌经营之初,对外加工出口贸易订单足、汇率高、风险小,形势喜人,公司领导层一直在思索着一个问题:靠加工贸易是发展外贸的一条路子,但它毕竟利润有限,又缺少市场主动权。是继续走单一的对外加工道路、还是利用 From the beginning of the first 100 children’s wear orders, to the annual export processing trade volume of US$20 million, “B&W” has spent three years, relying on wisdom and hard work, accumulated original capital and released a The brand road. Since 1993, Shanghai Dr. Frog Children’s Products Co., Ltd. has determined the company’s development path of product branding and brand-winning assets, aiming at world-class products and nurturing “B&R Drama” children series, taking into account the successful experience of internationally renowned brands. The brand, taking the brand road, has achieved a series of significant results. Brand is the fist of the company’s operation and development In 1993, at the beginning of the brand management of Dr. Frog, external processing and export trading orders were sufficient, exchange rates were high, risks were low, and the situation was gratifying. The company’s leadership has been pondering a question: relying on processing trade is the development of foreign trade. One way, but it has limited profits and lacks market initiative. Is it continuing to take a single external processing road or use it?
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