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2002年3月19日信息产业部在无锡召开了由电子第五十八研究所研制的2001年度新品设计定型鉴定会。参加这次鉴定会的领导有信息产业部包养浩局长、无锡市经贸委祁杭峰处长等,会议由中国电子科技集团公司基础部吕正然高工主持,包养浩局长在会上作了重要讲话。中国工程院院士许居衍出席了会议。到会专家有电子55所林金庭研究员、东南大学魏同立教授、电子74所副所长郭林研究员、浙江大学沈复初副教授、电子30所朱甫臣研究员、电子20所刘天庆高工、船总724所华学增研究员、航天二院25所张长革研究员、无锡无线电厂黄鹤年高工,由以上九人组成鉴定委员会,林金庭研究员任主任,魏同立教授任副主任。到会单位有航空615所、航空613所、航天二院25所、船总724所、电子14所、20所、24所、30所、55所、浙江大学、东南大学、无锡无线电厂等,以上单位、专家和用户代表共32人参加了会议。这次鉴定会共鉴定七个项目,有协议处理器、总线接收器、总线控制器、时钟发生器及一些专用集成电路等。这些电路研制难度大,有的频率高,有的集成度大,有的工艺加工有特殊要求。有的电路功能复杂,灵敏度高,信/噪比高,发射功率大,有的要求数据传输失真小,误码率低。广大科技人员和全所职 On March 19, 2002, the Ministry of Information Industry convened in 2001 in Wuxi the 2001 annual new product design stereotypes assessment meeting developed by the Electronic 58th Institute. Leaders of the appraisal meeting included Bao Yanghao, Director of the Ministry of Information Industry, and Wu Hangfeng, Director of the Economic and Trade Commission of Wuxi. The meeting was chaired by Lu Zhengran, Senior Engineer of the Basic Department of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation. Director Bao Yanghao made an important speech at the meeting. Xu Juyan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the meeting. Experts present at the meeting included researcher Lin Jinting from Electronic Department 55, professor Wei Tongli from Southeast University, researcher Guo Lin, deputy director of Electronic 74 Institute, associate professor Shen Fuchu from Zhejiang University, researcher Zhu Yichen from Electronic 30, Liu Tianqing from 20 Electronics, and 724 boats from China. Xue Jian, a research fellow, 25 Changhong Research Fellow of the Second Institute of Aerospace, and Huang Heian, a senior engineer at the Wuxi Radio Factory, composed of the nine above-mentioned appraisal committees, Lin Jinting as research fellow, and Wei Tongli as deputy director. There are 615 aviation companies, 613 aviation companies, 25 aerospace second homes, 724 ships, 14 electronics, 20, 24, 30, 55, Zhejiang University, Southeast University, and Wuxi Radio Factory. A total of 32 representatives of the above units, experts and users attended the meeting. The appraisal meeting identified a total of seven projects, including protocol processors, bus receivers, bus controllers, clock generators, and application-specific integrated circuits. These circuits are difficult to develop, some have high frequencies, some have large integration, and some have special requirements for processing. Some circuits have complex functions, high sensitivity, high signal/noise ratio, large transmit power, and some require low distortion of data transmission and low bit error rate. The majority of scientific and technical personnel and full-time positions
The Royal New Zealand Coastguard Federation皇家新西兰海岸防卫联盟http://www.nzcoastguard.org.nz/Email:info@nzcoastguard.org.nz皇家新西兰海岸防卫联盟是新西兰一
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展览时间:2002年5月28日~31日展览地点:山西省展览馆批准单位:山西省煤炭工业局主办单位:山西省煤炭工业协会承办单位:太原百瑞得展览贸易有限公司 Exhibition time: May 28 to May 31, 200
日本与亚太区合在一起,是全球最大的半导体市场。摩托罗拉亚太区及日本半导体产品部副总裁兼总经理姚天从说, 面对这个巨大的商机,在亚太区,摩托罗拉半导体将着重发展三方面