Principle and Thermodynamic Process of the Compressor of Composite Gear Teeth

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluebabyyejing
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The compressor of composite gear teeth is a new type of rotor compressor with partial built-in compression process. Analysis of its thermodynamic process indicates that the built-in process is incomplete. The thermodynamic process of the compressor of composite gear teeth can be considered as five processes: the suction process, the isometric process, the compression process, the pressure-balance process at high pressure and low pressure gas, and discharge process. Here, it is necessary to explain further the pressure-balance process. The pressure-balance process is isometric process. It is found that the isometric process of gas in chamber A whose capacity is 83 percent of total work volume can be eliminated basically through extending the discharge port to connect early the discharge port with the chamber B. By the above-mentioned method, the loss of energy will be reduced. The compressor of composite gear teeth is a new type of rotor compressor with partial built-in compression process. Analysis of its thermodynamic process indicates that the built-in process is incomplete. The thermodynamic process of the compressor of composite gear teeth can be considered as five processes: the suction process, the isometric process, the compression process, the pressure-balance process at high pressure and low pressure gas, and the discharge process. process is isometric process. It is found that the isometric process of gas in chamber A whose capacity is 83 percent of total work volume can be eliminated substantially through extending the discharge port to connect early the discharge port with the chamber B. By the above- mentioned method, the loss of energy will be reduced.
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摘要:很多从事日语学习研究的人,通常都会将注意力放在文学作品中的语法现象上面探讨,这固然好,但也有一些弊端。理解一种语言,并不是只去了解语法,更多的应该去了解它的文化,我国与日本是一衣带水的领邦国家,我国的汉语也对日语有着深远的影响。本文即针对汉语词对日语汉字词的影响展开几点论述。  关键词:汉语词;日语汉字词;  中图分类号:H1;H36 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-864X(2014)