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总参北京第一干休所门诊部针对老干部的“两高”(高龄、高发病率)特点,积极推行责任制保健工作模式,逐步完善三级责任制医疗保健机制,不断强化“内强素质、外树形象”的工作理念,认真落实“三性三化(科学性、整体性、艺术性、理性化、人性化、个性化)”的服务原则,把全心全意为老干部服务作为保健工作的出发点和落脚点,老干部满意率连年提高。“十五”期间,该门诊部荣立集体三等功1次,被总参休干处评为先进党支部和基层服务先进集体。干休所被评为总参计划生育先进单位、全军干休所卫生工作规范化达标单位,被全军爱卫会评为“文明卫生军营”。 该门诊部先后在《人民军医》杂志、《解放军医学杂志》、《解放军保健医学杂志》等专业杂志和全军学术会议上发表和交流论文50余篇。有5名医务人员参与了《健康长寿之路》和《干休所救护员手册》两部著作的编写工作。 2003年,解放军总医院组织对干休所所在社区的110名老人进行了认知功能筛查。在中国老年保健协会老年痴呆及相关疾病专业委员会(ADC)副主席、解放军总医院博士生导师、主任医师王鲁宁教授的指导下,该门诊部对干休所有认知障碍和痴呆的老干部给予早期诊断及干预研究,并适时对老年痴呆照料者进行指导和心理干预。同时还组织举办了驻京部队第一届认知障碍照料者联谊会,受到老干部及家属和有关专家的一致赞誉。 The General Staff Beijing Outpatient Clinic of the First Cadre Clinic actively promotes the health care work mode of the responsibility system and gradually improves the health care mechanism of the three-level responsibility system in the light of the characteristics of “two highs” (senior citizens and high morbidity) of veteran cadres, Outside the tree image “concept of the work, conscientiously implement the” three of the three (science, integrity, art, rationalization, humane, personalized) “principle of service, the heart and soul of service for the veterans as the starting point for health care work Point, veteran satisfaction rate increased year after year. During the ”Tenth Five-Year Plan“ period, the outpatient clinic won the third class of collective work one time and was rated as Advanced Party Branch and Advanced Grass-roots Service Group by the GAC Presidium. The cadre was rated as the advanced unit of family planning of the General Staff and the standard unit of sanitation work of the army dry-rest by the army and was appraised as ”civilized military barracks“ by the Ai Wei Society of the whole army. The outpatient department has published and exchanged over 50 papers in professional journals such as People’s Military Medical Journal, Medical Journal of the People’s Liberation Army, People’s Liberation Army Health Medicine and other academic magazines and military conferences. Five medical staff participated in the compilation of two books, ”Road to Health and Longevity“ and ”Manual on Care for Dry-Hundred Patients". In 2003, the People’s Liberation Army General Hospital organized a cognitive screening of 110 elderly people in the communities where the cadres were working. Under the guidance of Professor Wang Luning, vice chairman of the Association of Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases (ADC) of the Chinese Association of Geriatric Health and the doctoral tutor and chief physician of the General Hospital of PLA, the outpatient department gave early intervention to all veteran cadres who have all cognitive disorders and dementia, Diagnosis and intervention research, and timely guidance and psychological intervention for caregivers of dementia. At the same time, it also organized and organized the first association of caregivers for people with disabilities in Beijing troops, unanimously praised by veteran cadres and their families and relevant experts.
目的:探讨胭动脉损伤的早期诊断与治疗方法,减少并发症,降低截肢率. 方法:对1995年9月~2005年10月收集的33例胭动脉损伤患者,采用尽早动脉探查,应用显微外科技术修复胭动脉
目的:了解在腹膜后腹腔镜行下腰椎手术时,下腰椎侧前方血管的解剖及手术暴露时的注意事项. 方法:对15具腰椎尸体标本两侧观察腰升静脉(Ascendinglumbarvein,ALV)和髂腰静