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:在全部完成中国冰川编目的基础上 ,精确统计了青藏高原发育有现代冰川 3 6793条 ,冰川面积4 9873 4 4km2 ,冰川冰储量 4 561 3 857km3,分别占我国冰川总数的 79 4 %、84 0 %和 81 6% ,是世界上中低纬度地区最大的现代冰川分布区。青藏高原现代冰川主要分布在昆仑山、喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山 ,其数量和规模占冰川总数的一半以上。由于气候和地形要素的不同组合 ,除念青唐古拉山和冈底斯山外 ,山脉北坡冰川在数量和规模上均大于南坡。青藏高原冰川形态类型齐全 ,悬冰川数量最多 ,占总数的3 9 3 % ;而大型的山谷冰川仅占高原总数的 4 6% ,但其面积和冰储量分别占高原总数的 3 3 5%和4 8 6%。大型山谷冰川面积大于 1 0 0km2 的冰川有 2 1条 ,喀喇昆仑山北坡的音苏盖堤冰川长 4 2km ,冰川面积达 3 79 97km2 。青藏高原现代冰川折合成淡水约有 3 92 2 8× 1 0 8m3,是青藏高原地表径流总量的 1 0 8倍 ,是巨大的优质淡水资源。初步计算 ,每年可提供冰川融水 50 4× 1 0 8m3补给河流。青藏高原冰川水资源在各大水系的分布上不均匀 ,海洋性冰川区冰川融水径流模数远大于大陆性冰川区。 Based on the complete cataloging of glaciers in China, 36793 modern glaciers are developed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The area of ​​glaciers is 49,873.44km2. Glacier ice reserves are 4 561 3 857km3, accounting for 79.4% of the total glaciers in China. 84 0% and 81 6% respectively. It is the largest modern glacier distribution in the middle and low latitudes of the world. The modern glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau are mainly distributed in the Kunlun Mountains, the Himalayas and the Karakorum Mountains, accounting for more than half of the total number of glaciers. Because of the different combinations of climatic and topographic features, the glaciers on the northern slopes of the mountains are larger in number and size than the southern slopes except for the Nyainqentanglha and Gangdise Mountains. Glaciers in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have the most complete types of glaciers, accounting for 393% of the total glaciers, while the large glaciers account for only 46% of the total plateau but account for 350% of the total plateau and ice reserves, respectively 486%. There are 21 glaciers with large valley glaciers of more than 100 km2, 4 2 km long of the Sound Sui Gai Dyke on the northern slope of Karakoram, and 3 79 97 km 2 of glacier. The modern glaciers in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are equivalent to about 3 92 28 × 108 m 3 of fresh water, which is 108 times of the total surface runoff on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. They are huge high-quality freshwater resources. According to preliminary calculations, 50 4 × 1 0 8 m3 of glacier melt water will be supplied to the river every year. Glacier water resources in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are unevenly distributed in major water systems. The modulus of glacial melt runoff in the marine glacier area is much larger than that in the continental glacier area.