Faster Visas

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  Highly skilled overseas professionals will benefit from a faster visa application process, said the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on August 20.
  The ministry said that various government departments and stateowned enterprises are able to apply for visas and residency permits via a priority procedure for particularly experienced workers or those with exceptionally valuable skills and knowledge, as well as permits for the families of such workers.
  Meanwhile, high-value experts from overseas working in the country outside of these programs will also enjoy a faster application process if they meet relevant conditions, said the ministry.
   Organ Bank Rules
  Donor organs must be distributed automatically through a national system, according to a new regulation scheduled to take effect on September 1.
  The National Health and Family Planning Commission published the Regulation on the Procurement and Distribution of Donated Human Organs, which lays out the new guidelines and procedures on the distribution of donor organs, on August 21.
  Organs will be obtained by procurement organizations authorized by provincial health authorities, and distribution of these must be done through the China Organ Transplant Response System, according to the new rules.
  Recipients waiting on donations will be sorted based on the urgency and nature of their emergency and their compatibility with transplantready organs.
  China introduced an organ donation system in 2010 and has the world’s second largest demand for organ transplants. About 300,000 patients suffer from organ failure each year, but only around 10,000 organ transplant operations are performed annually due to a lack of available organs.
   Drug Cleanup
  The Chinese Government on August 20 launched a five-month campaign to combat illegal online pharmaceutical sales.
  The campaign will primarily focus on websites that have obtained Internet drug sale licenses, but were found to have been involved in the promotion or sale of fake products.
  The campaign was jointly launched by the China Food and Drug Administration, the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
  According to the statement released by the departments, both vendors who market drugs on the Internet without obtaining business licenses and those selling fake products will be targeted during the campaign.    Website Review
  Chinese Internet companies offering cultural content have been urged to set up their own review systems, as part of efforts to ensure legitimacy of content.
  Starting on December 10, the content of online music and game companies will no longer require to be reviewed and filed in advance, according to a Ministry of Culture statement on August 20.
  Previously, such content was primarily reviewed or managed by relevant government departments.
  The establishment of a selfreview system for strengthening
  companies’ capacity to judge content by themselves is the best option for authorities to regulate the cultural Internet market, the ministry said.
   Bo’s Trial Begins
  Bo Xilai, former Communist Party of China (CPC) chief of Chongqing Municipal Committee, stands trial on August 22 in Jinan, east China’s Shandong Province. He faces charges of accepting bribes, embezzlement of funds and abuse of power.
  According to the indictment, Bo allegedly accepted bribes amounting to an estimated 21.8 million yuan ($3.56 million) from two businessmen from 1999 to 2012, one seeking assistance in obtaining the necessary preferential quotas to import cars, and the other seeking the paperwork required to begin work on petrochemical projects.
  Bo is also alleged to have used his post as governor of northeast China’s Liaoning Province in 2002 to conspire with others to embezzle 5 million yuan ($816,000) of public funds from the city government of Dalian in the province.
  In January and February of 2012, while serving as secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, Bo abused his power when it was reported that his wife, Bogu Kailai, was suspected of intentional homicide, and when then Vice Mayor of Chongqing Wang Lijun defected, the indictment said.
  Further abuses of power include impeding the reinvestigation of Bogu Kailai’s case and approving the release of false news that Wang was receiving “vacation-style treatment.”
  Bo made a statement denying the charges of bribery.
  The hearing resumed on August 23.
  Bo, 64, was removed from his post as Chongqing’s Party chief in March 2012 and was expelled from both the CPC and public office that September.

   Pension Reform
  Chinese policymakers and advisors have proposed a new pension scheme, suggesting a raise in the retirement age, in order to ease the financial strain of China’s aging population.   The new scheme suggests that the initial pension age for both men and women should be raised to 65 as of 2030 from the current retirement age of 60 for men and 50 for women.
  The age of 65 was chosen based on the pace of aging in China, but it could still be adjusted for laborers undertaking especially arduous work, said Yang Yansui, an expert from Tsinghua University, in a report released on August 21.
  By 2035, China will have be- come what has been termed a “super aging society.” This means that every two workers will be supporting one elderly person, said Yang.
   Universal Education
  School enrollment was available to 99.85 percent of China’s children in 2012, according to a report from the Ministry of Education on August 16.
  There were a total of 181,300 kindergartens in China last year, representing an increase of 14,500 over the previous year, the report revealed.
  The gross enrollment rate for junior high school students stood at 85 percent in 2012, up 1 percentage point over 2011. China’s colleges and universities admitted 6.89 million students last year, representing a yearon-year increase of 1.08 percent.
  As many as 589,700 postgraduates were enrolled in universities and research institutes, indicating a 5.27-percent rise against a year earlier period, the report added.
  The Ministry of Water Resources on August 15 unveiled a new program to treat water and soil loss over the next five years.
  The program, which covers 279 counties across 20 provincial-level regions, aims to treat water and soil loss occurring over 30,000 square km of land.
  It is expected that the forest coverage ratio in these regions will be raised to 50 percent and 13 million residents will be lifted out of poverty through the planned expansion of farmland and forest.
  China first launched a program of this kind in 1983. Over the years, a total of 58,300 square km of land affected by water and soil loss has been treated.
   Culture Showcase
  Various events aimed at raising the profile of Chinese culture will be held in September across the world.
  From August 27 to September 6, a series of performances, exhibitions, movie screenings and displays of gourmet food centering on the rich culture of the peoples in southwest China’s Yunnan Province will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. From September 25, similar activities featuring Inner Mongolian culture will be held in the state of Kentucky in the United States.   Activities arranged to take place in Nigeria and Kenya are scheduled to begin on September 10, while those taking place in Kazakhstan and Germany will be starting on September 16.

   Military Enrollment
  New recruits arrive at an academy of the Armed Police Force in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on August 18.
  More than 200,000 college students had applied to join military service, according to a statement made on August 20 by the Ministry of Education.
  China has enacted many policies aimed at encouraging college students to join the armed forces, including exemption from tuition fees, retaining of student status for two years after leaving the army, and promoting outstanding students to military officers.
  This year’s military recruitment will run from August 1 to September 30.
   Connecting Northwest China
  The construction of a bridge on the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway is completed on August 21.
  It is a section of the second line of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway connecting Lanzhou, northwestern Gansu Province, to Urumqi, northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. With a length of 1,776 km, the line is the first high-speed railway in Xinjiang and is expected to be put into use during 2014.

   Home Price Rise
  Prices of both new and existing homes continued to rise in most Chinese cities in July, according to official data released on August 18.
  Of a statistical pool of 70 major cities, 62 saw month-on-month new home price rises, down from 63 in June, the National Bureau of Statistics announced.
  According to the bureau, 57 cities reported month-on-month price gains in existing and second-hand homes in July compared to 55 in June, lower than the 64 rises in May.
  On a year-on-year basis, new home prices rose in 69 cities last month, the same as the June figure, while 67 reported higher year-onyear prices for existing homes in July, down from 68.
  Overall, home prices have been rising in most cities due to higher demand and rising land prices, a senior statistician with the NBS said.
  But the month-on-month growth rate narrowed in July and only 12 cities reported month-onmonth new-home price growth above 1 percent in July, eight less than the figure in June.
  Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing saw month-on-month new-home price growth rates narrow by a 0.8 percentage point, 0.3 percentage point and 0.2 percentage point respectively.    Railway Reforms
  The Central Government on August 19 published detailed plans to innovate railway funding and speed up construction as China’s new leadership is devoted to deepening reforms.
  The State Council said in a statement that railway investment this year is likely to exceed the planned amount. Also, for this year and the following two, the Central Government will provide transitional subsidies for China Railway Corp., which was established in March to take over the enterprise functions of the now-defunct ministry of railways. Railway construction should be accelerated in an attempt to exceed 2013 investment plans, while the building of railways and related infrastructure should be prioritized in western and less-developed areas, the statement said. The reform will also encourage private investment in railway construction.
   Lower Deposit Rates
  China’s central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on August 19 the economy will not post persistent slowdowns, indicating the bank is ready to fully liberalize the financial market by removing the ceiling on deposit rates.
  Zhou said the central bank will continue to implement its “prudent”monetary policy and conduct structural fine tuning where needs be.
  China’s current growth rate, he said, is in line with the government’s plans to transform the economy, which still has powerful endogenic growth potential and will not slow further.
  In response to when the central bank will liberalize the rate on deposits, Zhou said the reform is underway as planned.

   Broadband Cover
  China will strive to complete broadband coverage of both urban and rural areas by 2020, the State Council, China’s cabinet, announced on August 17.
  The State Council elevated national broadband development as a national strategy and announced an implementation timetable for its development over the coming eight years.
  The strategy aims to achieve WiFi coverage in key public urban areas by 2013 and fixed broadband coverage for half of Chinese households by 2015.
  Families in some developed cities will enjoy a broadband speed of one gigabit per second in 2020, the announcement added.
  The strategy will be carried out in three phases. Fiber optic networks and 3G mobile coverage will be expanded in 2013, while broadband coverage will expand between 2014 and 2015.    Greater Oil Imports
  China will surpass the United States as the biggest crude oil importer by 2017 as its economy continues to grow and Chinese drivers push up demand for fuel, according to a report on August 20 by global energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie.
  According to the report, China will spend $500 billion annually on crude imports by 2020.
  “The price China pays will far outstrip the peak cost incurred by the United States of $335 billion annually with U.S. import spend falling to only $160 billion annually by 2020,” the report said.
  From 2005 to 2020, China’s oil imports will rise from 2.5 million barrels per day to 9.2 million barrels a day. U.S. imports, on the other hand, will fall from a peak of 10.1 to 6.8 million barrels per day within the same period. That roughly represents a 360-percent increase in China’s crude oil imports and a 32-percent decline for the United States during that period.
  “By 2020, 70 percent of China’s oil demand will come from imports. On the other hand, the U.S. import requirements will reduce due to tight oil production,” said William Durbin, Wood Mackenzie’s Beijing-based president of global markets.
  “However, the essential issue here is not when China will surpass the United States to become the largest crude importer, but how the nation will secure its energy supply,” said Liao Na, Vice President of Shanghai-based energy consultancy ICIS-C1 Energy.
   Eyes on China

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  The Cessna Aircraft Co., an industrial heavyweight, showcased its 208 Caravan during the 2013 China Xinjiang Karamay Aviation Tourism Festival.
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