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本文介绍了铝镁合金小口径管道TIG焊接时,采用焊缝组对无间隙,管内无氩气保护工艺,保证单面焊双面成形。并分析了气孔产生原因和防止产生气孔的工艺措施。经实践检验取得了满意的焊缝质量,有一定的应用价值和借鉴意义。 This article describes the aluminum-magnesium alloy small diameter pipe TIG welding, the use of weld group without gap, no argon tube protection process to ensure single-sided double-sided forming. The causes of stomata and the technological measures to prevent the stomata were analyzed. The practice has achieved satisfactory weld quality, and has certain application value and reference.
The 13th Meeting of the China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research was successfully held in Seorak,Korea from May 20 to 23,2009.Through evaluatio
In January 2011, the Chinese Academy of Sciences initiated a series of Strategic Pioneer Programs in Science and Technology, of which Space Science Strategic Pi
Professor Shi Chanxu received the Top Scientists Award of China in early 2011. This is a very important event. As a materials scientist originally from China, I
1、俱乐部的概念研究  俱乐部是英文“Club”的音译,单从字面上理解就是人们聚集在一起进行娱乐活动的组织团体或者其场所,严格解释是具有某种相同兴趣的人进行社会交际、文化娱乐等活动的团体和场所。这种俱乐部的组织形式在西方社交活动中十分流行,在体育领域“俱乐部”的定义被广泛应用,各种体育俱乐部伴随我国体育产业、社会化的不断发展,如同雨后春笋般发展开来。在这一背景下,学者们对这一概念的研究也不断深入。
On behalf of friends and colleagues at MIT and Johns Hopkins University, as well as students and faculty at the Center for Advancing Materials Performance from
1. 问题的提出  何为“合作互助式”学习呢?所谓合作互助学习,就是让学生自由分工合作、互帮互助,从而达到共同学习、共同进步的目的的一种学习方式。与其他学习方式不同的是,它更加强调学生们一起学习的过程和互帮互助的学习方式。这种方式巧妙而有合理的将社会中的交际理念运用到英语课堂当中,让学生们互相帮助、共同提高英语成绩。  2. 如何进行小组合作互助学习  2.1合作复习词汇  如果把英语这门课程比作
At the invitation of NSFC, a delegation headed by DFG Secretary-General Dr. Dorothee Dzwonnek visited NSFC and gave presentations to NSFC staff.Prof.Shen Wenqin
The 3rd meeting of the Asian Heads of Research Council was held from October 20 to 23,2009 in Seoul, Korea.At the invitation of the National Research Foundation