尹蔚民部长座客凤凰卫视《问答神州》栏目 谈人事劳动部门三度分合 坦诚新部任务繁重职责重大

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1978年,刚刚实行改革开放的中国百废待兴、人才匮乏。这一年,在北京铁路局任组织干事的尹蔚民,调任中央组织部经济干部局干事,那时他25岁。1983年,改革开放后第一次国家机构改革开始,中央把原有的国家人事局与国家劳动总局等部门合并,成立劳动人事部。1988年,第二次国家机构改革开始,劳动人事部被拆分,分立为人事部和劳动部两个部门。2000年,在中组部工作了22年的尹蔚民开始出任人事部副部长,7年之后晋升为部长。2008年3月,第6次国家机构改革开始。中央决定,原有的人事部与劳动和社会保障部不再保留,同时组建人力资源和社会保障部,尹蔚民出任部长同时兼任部属国家公务员局局长。迄今已经与人事工作打了30年交道的尹蔚民,不仅见证了中国劳动人事部的诞生,并且亲身经历了人事部门和劳动部门之间25年间的三度分合。 In 1978, China, which had just implemented the reform and opening up, had to be overwhelmed with a shortage of qualified personnel. During this year, Yin Weimin, who was the organizing officer of the Beijing Railway Bureau, was transferred to the director of the Economic Cadre Bureau of the Central Organization Department, at the age of 25. In 1983, after the first state institutional reform began after the reform and opening up, the Central Government merged the former National Personnel Bureau with the State Administration of Labor and other departments to form a labor and personnel department. In 1988, the second national institution reform began. The Ministry of Labor and Personnel was split into two divisions: the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Labor. In 2000, Yin Weimin, who worked for 22 years in the Central Organization Department, started to work as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Personnel and was promoted to minister seven years later. In March 2008, the sixth national institutional reform began. The Central Government decided that the former Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security no longer retain them, meanwhile, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security was established and Yin Weimin took the post of minister concurrently as the director of the subordinate state civil service bureau. Yin Weimin, who has been engaged in personnel work for 30 years so far, has not only witnessed the birth of China's Ministry of Labor and Personnel, but also personally experienced the three-part split between the personnel department and the labor department in 25 years.
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