国际癌症研究中心(IARC)于1985年2月12~20日在法国里昂召开了“吸烟”工作会议,目的是审定IARC评价化学物质对人类致癌危险性的论文集第38卷(有关吸烟的专题)的最终稿。参加会议的有来自欧、亚、美、大洋洲十四个国家以及美国国立癌症研究所、世界卫生组织的代表和观察员36人、秘书处人员33人。上海市肿瘤研究所高玉堂副教授作为代表应邀出席了会议。 “吸烟”专题论文集的内容包括英国R.Doll教
The International Conference on Cancer Research (IARC) convened the “Smoking” Working Conference in Lyon, France, from February 12 to 20, 1985, with the aim of examining the IARC’s volume 38 on the assessment of the risk of carcinogenicity of chemicals in humans. ) The final draft. Attending the conference were 36 delegates and observers from the 14 countries in Europe, Asia, the United States, and Oceania, as well as the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization, and 33 secretariat personnel. Associate Professor Gao Yutang of Shanghai Cancer Institute was invited to attend the meeting as a representative. The content of the “Smoke” monographs includes the British R.Doll teaching