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环境装置,行为艺术 1996年9月1日于拉萨西藏大学北面拉萨河 作品受美国艺术家贝特西·达蒙之邀、赞助实施 说明A 作品行为贯穿于一点——放生。 本作品主题先行是基于个人的慎重选择。 作品意义的转换置变,取决于解读者在生命进程权力话语认同悖谬中的态度。 我个人在作品实施中演示的语言姿态,并不证明本人观点向度。 说明B 为使作品意义扩延明确流畅,必须避免个人感情因素截入,严格按照方案设计模式进行。 说明C 作者先去鱼市购买活鱼38只,再在拉萨河一小岛上挖38个坑,用38只塑料袋盛满拉萨河水放入坑中,然后把鱼分别放进盛满河水(塑料袋装)的坑里等待放生。 以上过程耗时6小时,其过程中鱼儿死亡四条。 Environmental installation, performance art September 1, 1996 in Lhasa, Tibet University north of the Lhasa River Works by the American artist Beth West Damon, sponsored the implementation of Description A works throughout the behavior - release. The theme of this work is based on the individual’s prudent choice. The transformation of the meaning of the works depends on the attitude of the reader in the absurdity of the discourse of power in the life process. I personally demonstrate the language gesture in the implementation of the work, does not prove my point of view. Explanation B In order to make the meaning of the works clear and smooth, we must avoid interception of personal affection factors and strictly follow the scheme design mode. Description C The authors first went to the fish market to buy 38 live fish and then dug 38 pits on an island in the Lhasa River. Thirty-eight plastic bags filled the Lhasa River into the pit and placed the fish into the river ( Plastic bags) pit waiting for release. The above process took 6 hours, during which four fish died.
一 一二一m 一 ~一少Wr::放.iwgy、,/;MWf?一/;Wr、:i=Zsin:x’一:LI:-.-----m---m-.---一张士增作品 One hundred and eleven m a ~ a little Wr :: put .iwgy ,, /; MWf?
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