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TMT社会网络结构在为组织带来积极影响的同时也会产生消极影响,而现有文献鲜有对该消极影响进行讨论。运用结构化理论,基于属性二重性的视角,本文提出TMT社会网络结构内在的使动力和制约力之间的不平衡是其发生结构异变,进而导致结构刚性生成并产生消极影响的关键所在。本文从表意性结构、合法化结构和支配性结构三个层次论证了TMT社会网络结构刚性的生成机制,以及由于结构刚性的存在所导致的TMT社会网络结构与组织双元创新之间呈现的非线性关系。随后基于互动二重性的视角,本文认为领导柔性高的CEO可以发挥能动作用来削弱结构刚性,通过对TMT社会网络结构的形塑和改变,使其形成新的结构来促进组织双元创新的顺利开展。本文从CEO与TMT社会网络结构互构的角度,论证了CEO领导柔性对TMT社会网络结构刚性的化解机制。基于中国情境的实证研究发现,由于结构刚性的作用,TMT社会网络结构与协同式创新之间存在“过犹不及”的倒U型效应,而与平衡式创新之间的倒U型效应则不显著。领导柔性高的CEO不仅能够有效化解结构刚性来削弱TMT社会网络结构对协同式创新的负面影响程度,而且还能够产生“转害为利”的逆转作用,将TMT社会网络结构对平衡式创新的负面影响逆转为正面影响。 The TMT social network structure has a negative impact on the organization while it has a positive impact, while the existing literature rarely discusses this negative effect. Using structural theory, based on the duality of attributes, this paper proposes that the inherent imbalance between motivation and constraint in the TMT social network structure is the key to its structural change, resulting in structural rigidity and negative impact. This paper demonstrates the mechanism of TMT social network structure rigidity from the three levels of expressive structure, legalized structure and dominant structure, and the non-existence between TMT social network structure and organizational dual innovation caused by the existence of structural rigidity. Linear relationship. Afterwards, based on the duality of interaction, this paper believes that CEOs with high leadership flexibility can exert actions to weaken structural rigidity, shape and change TMT social network structures, and form new structures to promote the smooth development of dual innovation in organizations. . From the perspective of the mutual configuration of CEO and TMT social network, this paper demonstrates the CEO leadership flexibility to resolve the structural rigidity of TMT social network. An empirical study based on the Chinese context found that due to the effect of structural rigidity, there is an inverted U-shaped effect between TMT social network structure and collaborative innovation, and the inverted U-shaped effect between balanced social innovation and TMT is not. Significant. CEOs with high leadership flexibility not only effectively resolve structural rigidity to undermine the negative impact of TMT’s social network structure on collaborative innovation, but also generate a reversal effect of “turning harm into profit,” and put the TMT social network structure on balance. The negative effects of innovation reversed to positive effects.
最先瞄到这篇文章是辜晓进先生撰写的《走进美国大报》一书,看到的只是中文的节选,当时就感觉很不错,想把它介绍给我们CR的读者。作者Howell Raines是《纽约时报》的前总编,
【正】 火炕起源于我国东北,是东北各族劳动人民创造的一种御寒、睡眠和休息的用具,是居住习俗中重要一项,具有鲜明的民族性和和较高的实用价值。早在我国原始时代,就有了居
节能架空火炕(见封三照片)的特点:火炕上下双层散热。炕墙表面镶嵌瓷砖或烙画板,节省能源,美化房间。构造:由支点、底座、炕床、分烟道、炕墙表面装饰五部分组成。 1.支点: