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  Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
  Release: July 7
  Cast: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley
  Captain Jack Sparrow(Johnny Depp) discovers he owes a blood debt to the legendary Davey Jones, Captain of the ghostly Flying Dutchman. With time running out, Jack must find a way out of his debt or else be doomed to eternal damnation[诅咒] and servitude[隶役] in the afterlife. Making matters worse, Sparrow’s problems manage to interefere with the wedding plans of a certain Will Turner(Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann(Keira Knightley), who are forced to join Jack on yet another one of his misadventures[灾难].
  You Me and Dupree
  Release: July 14
  Cast: Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson [本期封面人物]
  A troubled newlywed couple’s problems are magnified[放大] when the groom’s out-of-work and meddlesome[爱管闲事的] best man[伴郎] moves in and begins competing with him.
  (特色:在出演热门电影Wedding Crashers[《婚礼傲客 》]之后,欧文·威尔逊这次要当“marriage crasher”了,搞笑功力十足!)
  Lady in the Water
  Release: July 21
  Cast: Paul Giamatti, Bryce Dallas
  Cleveland Heep rescues a mysterious young woman and discovers she is actually a narf, a character from a bedtime story who is trying to make the treacherous[叛逆的] journey from our world back to hers. As Cleveland falls in love with the woman, he works together with the tenants[房客] to protect her from the deadly creatures that are determined to prevent her from returning home.
  My Super Ex-Girlfriend
  Release: July 21
  Cast: Luke Wilson, Uma Thurman
  A man who learns his girlfriend is a superhero soon breaks up with her when she gets too controlling and neurotic[神经质的]. She then uses her powers to torment[折磨] and embarrass[使困窘] him.
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
小兰 译    “At some level, we all depend upon one another. Sometimes that requires us simply to refrain from doing something. And sometimes it requires us to act cooperatively, with allies or even with s
梁碧滢 译  At the beginning of my 8:00 a.m. class one Mon-day at 1)UNLV, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had not been very good. He’d had his
小兰 译    Some lonely Americans are 1)eschewing Internet   dating and instead putting their faith in feng shui in a bid to find their romantic soul mates.     It is not yet a common sight to see feng sh
为什么自行车选手要刮腿毛?(不是为了减少空气阻力)为什么某些网球选手爱在球场上狂吼?(莎拉波娃的叫声高达101.2分贝)穿红色衣服的队伍是否更容易获胜?……这些问题让体育“粉丝”们争论了几十年,那么正确答案到底是什么?    Why do cyclists shave their legs?   In the 1979 comedy 2)Breaking Away, the hero’s fath
yoyo 译    忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。BT的流行速度实在令人瞠目结舌。今天你BT了吗?如果你现在还不知道BT,似乎你在Internet上销声匿迹的时候也到了。要不然会在网络上被讥笑成“菜鸟级”的小虾哦!好了好了,小虾米们也别着急,为了避免大量网络新人的流失,以及促进祖国IT行业的繁荣。大家就一起来简单地了解一下这个俗称的变态下载吧!^0^   (Tracy)  Movie
乐在其中 译  New Page 1There was once a little man whose mother made him a beautiful suit of clothes. It was green and gold and woven so that I cannot describe how delicate and fine it was, and there was a
早春时节,就在我爷爷中风的一个月前,我开始每天下午都步行一个小时。有的时候,我会往南走四个街区去看我爷爷和奶奶。86岁的爷爷还是一名很不错的园丁,我总会看着他花园里春天的第一批花盛开,看着春花一波一波地绽放。  那一年,我对花特别感兴趣,因为我打算布置自己的院子了,因此,我很想听听爷爷的意见。我以为我已经很清楚自己要怎么做——满院子的灌木和其它每年从五月到十一月都开花的植物。
星期天晚上八点半,杰西卡独自在楼上自己的房间里呆着,这是她通常独自消遣的方式。  如同其他大多数小孩一样,对杰西卡而言,没有什么比黑暗更可怕的了。妹妹格蕾丝在她隔壁的房间里玩耍。象几乎所有姐妹一样,杰西卡讨厌和格蕾丝粘在一起,她喜欢一个人玩。