深化“六项机制”建设 提升小企业金融服务水平

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关注少数民族地区农村金融机构改革和发展,加强和改善“三农”及小企业金融服务意义深远。在这鸟语蝉鸣、繁花似锦的盛夏时节,银监会少数民族自治区银行业监管联席会第五次会议在塞上湖城银川隆重召开。银监会党委委员、副主席周慕冰出席会议并作重要讲话,中国银监会相关部门负责人以及黑龙江、江苏、广东、四川、云南、陕西、甘肃、青海、青岛银监局有关负责人莅临本次会议并进行了热烈地研讨。广西、内蒙古、宁夏、西藏、新疆等少数民族自治区的银监局根据当地情况,结合区域特色,从中小企业金融服务、银行业支持“三农”以及欠发达地区、少数民族地区农村金融体系建设等角度发表真知灼见。在这里,我们聆听到“破解小企业融资难题”的有效举措,我们看到“监管与服务并重,规范与发展共进”的金融步伐,我们也感受到“科学引领,扎实推进三农及小企业发展”的拳拳之心……因此,我们摘选广西、内蒙古、宁夏、西藏银监局的发言进行刊登,以飨读者。 It is of far-reaching significance to pay attention to the reform and development of rural financial institutions in ethnic minority areas, and to strengthen and improve “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and financial services for small businesses. In the midst of this screaming and flourishing flower market, the fifth meeting of the Banking Regulatory Commission of the CBRC and the Ethnic Minorities Autonomous Region was held ceremoniously in Yinchuan, Hubei Province. Zhou Mubing, committee member and vice chairman of the CBRC, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. The heads of the relevant departments of the CBRC and relevant directors of the banking regulatory bureau of Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Qingdao attended this meeting and conducted A lively discussion. According to the local conditions and combining with the regional characteristics, the banking regulatory bureau in Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet and Xinjiang Autonomous Regions, according to the local conditions, from the financial services of SMEs, banking support to agriculture, rural areas and farmers and less developed areas, rural finance in ethnic minority areas System construction and other perspectives delivered insights. Here we hear about the effective measures to crack down on the financing problems of small-sized enterprises. We have seen the pace of finance in which both supervision and service are standardized and the development progresses. We also feel that science leads and solid Therefore, we selected Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Tibet Banking Regulatory Bureau’s speech to publish in order to readers.
信息产业,解决“汽车文明”负效应的药方 由于缩短了人与人之间的距离,提高了信息传递的速度,因此汽车可以称为20世纪的一次革命。但是汽车文明不仅无法解决目前人类面临的
肺栓塞 (pulmonaryembolism ,PE)的病死率在西方发达国家仅次于肿瘤和心肌梗死[1] ,居第三位。美国每年新发PE 6 0万人 ,5~ 2 0万人死亡[2 ] ,英国每年发生非致死性PE 4万例 ,
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近年来创伤性气管及支气管破裂已成为胸部创伤早期死亡原因之一。我院于1989年1月至2007年12月间共收治外伤性支气管断裂10例,现将诊治体会报道如下。 Traumatic trachea an