这是一场百年未遇的特大洪水:嫩江泛滥。松花江泛滥。长江——中华民族的母亲河,竟也变得面目狰狞,向鄂、湘、皖、赣、苏等沿江军民发起一次次进攻。 这是一场波澜壮阔的保卫战。在嫩江、松花江流域,在长江中下游地区,500多万民兵、预备役部队官兵同数十万解放军、武警部队将士和广大人民群众一道,众志成城,用
This is a huge flood not encountered in a hundred years: the spread of the Nen River. Songhua River floods. The mother river of the Yangtze River, the Chinese nation, has even become shameful and has launched a number of offensive attacks on the army and the people along the river such as Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi and the Soviet Union. This is a magnificent battle. In the Nenjiang and Songhua River valleys, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, more than 5 million militiamen, reserve army officers and men together with hundreds of thousands of People’s Liberation Army, Armed Police Corps soldiers and the broad masses of the people, together with