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为了解决严重威胁天然气管道运行安全的阀门内漏问题,采用小波包分解和信息熵理论相结合的方法对3 in(1 in=25.4 mm)球阀不同内漏程度下的声发射信号特征进行分析。首先,通过搭建阀门内漏声发射检测试验平台开展不同内漏流量下声发射检测试验;其次,应用小波包熵方法对声发射信号各频率段信息度进行分析;最后,采用均方根值评价参数对不同频带内小波包熵值与内漏流量的相关性进行评价。结果表明:在25~37.5 kHz频带内的小波包熵值与阀门内漏流量具有最大相关性(均方根误差为0.012 6),表明小波包熵分析方法是一种输气管道阀门内漏流量量化检测的新方法。 In order to solve the problem of internal valve leakage, which is a serious threat to the operation safety of natural gas pipeline, the characteristics of acoustic emission signals under different degree of internal leakage of 3 in (1 in = 25.4 mm) ball valve are analyzed by the combination of wavelet packet decomposition and information entropy theory. First of all, the acoustic emission testing under different internal leakage was carried out by setting up the valve leakage testing platform. Secondly, the information entropy of the acoustic emission signals was analyzed by wavelet package entropy method. Finally, The parameters are used to evaluate the correlation between the entropy of wavelet packet and the internal leakage in different frequency bands. The results show that the entropy of wavelet packets in the frequency band from 25 kHz to 37.5 kHz has the maximum correlation with the leakage flow within the valve (root mean square error of 0.012 6), indicating that the wavelet packet entropy analysis method is a kind of leakage in the valve A New Way to Quantify Tests.
一、基本情况  晋中市所辖11县(市、区)1个经济开发区,共有66个乡镇中心兽医站,122个乡镇兽医站,230个检疫申报点。全市官方兽医共计364人。