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1992年9月,经国家批准,安徽省马鞍山钢铁公司作为中国首批九家股份制规范化试点企业之一,步入了世界经济大潮.四十年的风采今日马鞍山钢铁股份有限公司是一个拥有烧结、焦化、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢、动力、机械以及科研、设计等机构,年产钢铁200万吨综合生产能力的特大型钢铁联合企业.该企业初创于50年代,60年代曾被盛誉为“江南一枝花”.改革开放后,马钢引进具有世界先进水平的高速线材厂,从而形成具有自身特色的“线、轮、板、型”四大系列产品结构优势.从1979年到1993年,马钢实现利税78亿元(是改革前26年总和的5.2倍),并形成了马钢人不等不靠、不断改造、不断发展、不断奉献的企业精神.历史性的跨越对国有大型钢铁企业进行股份制改造,实质上是使老企 In September 1992, approved by the State, Maanshan Iron and Steel Company of Anhui Province, as one of China’s first batch of nine standardized joint-stock company pilot enterprises, entered the world economic tide. Forty years of brilliance today Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is a company with sintering, Coking, iron-making, steel-making, steel-rolling, power, machinery and scientific research, design and other institutions, with an annual output of 2 million tons of steel production capacity of the ultra-large steel complex. The company was founded in the 50’s and 60’s was renowned as “ Jiangnan Ichiba”. After the reform and opening up, Maanshan Iron & Steel introduced a high-speed wire rod mill with world advanced level, thereby forming the structural advantages of its four series of products with its own characteristics: line, wheel, plate, and type. From 1979 to 1993, Masteel realized profits and taxes of 7.8 billion yuan (5.2 times the total of the 26 years before the reform) and formed the entrepreneurial spirit of Masteel who does not rely on, constantly reforms, continues to develop, and continues to dedicate. The historic leap over the state-owned large-scale steel The transformation of the company’s shareholding system is essentially an old enterprise.
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