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1992年秋天,46岁的侯志标告别拼搏了四个春秋的龙华乡,来到在外人眼中轻松实惠而实际上并不好干的县供电局任局长。临别时,龙华乡的父老乡亲扶老携幼含泪相送,这是对他政绩的最好评价,这是对他所付心血的最高酬报。春天是令人心醉的季节。可1993年的初春对刚刚上任的供电局长来说却无论如何愉悦不起来。全县11座变电站由于种种原因停了七、八座。线损高达32%,超标两倍多。仅此一项,每月损失达100万元。人心不稳,百姓怨恨。为了改变这种局面,侯志标熬过了无数个不眠之夜,寻觅着治乱之策。历来爱护贴体下级的侯志标急了,在全体干部职工大会上当众宣布:线损如果降不下来,用电科长马上卷铺盖回家,班子成员一律每月只发60元生活费!一个星期后,线损降到9%,停了的变电站也陆续投运。这时的侯志标却想:标好治而本难医,必须乘胜前进,加强班子建设、强化内部管理。于是,财务制度、人事制度改革等一系列措施相继出台,大大调动了干部职工的积极性,当年售电达1.7亿千瓦时,上交税金132万元,比上年增加了147%。侯志标是一个重感情的领导者。工作中,他不是以局长的职位降服人,而是用人格的力量,用赤诚 In the autumn of 1992, 46-year-old Hou Zhi-bei fought farewell to four old towns and villages in the Spring and Autumn Period. He came to the county power supply bureau where he is easily and practically not favored by outsiders. Parting, Longhua Township, the old folks help the young and tearful, this is the best evaluation of his performance, which is the highest reward for his dedication. Spring is an enchanting season. However, in early spring of 1993, the power director who has just taken office can not enjoy it any more. The county 11 substations due to various reasons stopped seven or eight. Line loss up to 32%, more than twice as much. Only this one, the monthly loss of 100 million. Human instability, people hate. In order to change this situation, Hou Zhi superseded endless countless sleepless nights, looking for the policy of chaos. Hou Chih-biao has always been the love of body sub-class anxious anxiety, public announcement at the general meeting of all cadres and workers: If the line loss does not drop down, the electricity section chief immediately cover the home, the team members will only be issued 60 yuan a month living expenses! A week later, Line loss down to 9%, stopped substations have gradually put into operation. At this time, Hou Biao just thought: While being a good doctor and not going to medical treatment, he must make progress and strengthen team building to strengthen internal management. As a result, a series of measures such as the reform of the financial system and the personnel system were introduced one after another, greatly arousing the enthusiasm of cadres and workers, selling 170 million kwh of electricity a year and paying taxes of 1.32 million yuan, an increase of 147% over the previous year. Hou Chi standard is a heavy emotional leader. In his work, he did not surrender to the position of director, but instead used personal power and sincere
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