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俗话说“商场如战场”,在日益激烈的商业竞争中,越来越多的商家认识到策略的重要。近代历史中,有不少运用军事策略在商业竞争取胜的例子。《孙子兵法》这部中国古代的军事奇书,更是受到商家们的青睐。近期金山公司的《封神榜》产品宣传就深谙兵法特点,且不论金山的初哀为何,下面笔者要说的是这次活动中的兵法。 As the saying goes, “shopping malls such as the battlefield”, in the increasingly fierce commercial competition, more and more businesses recognize the importance of strategy. In modern history, there are many examples of using military tactics to win business competition. “Art of War” This ancient Chinese military wonders, but also by the merchants of all ages. Jinshan’s recent “Fengshenbang” product promotion on the well-versed in the characteristics of the military, and regardless of the initial sad Jinshan why, the author is to say the following is the activities of the art of war.
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