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基层是一切工作的落脚点。作为党和政府各项方针政策的实际执行者,地方政治、经济、文化和社会建设的直接组织者与具体落实者,基层干部的理论素养至关重要。为彻底解决基层干部群众不愿学、不想学、不知从何学理论等问题,桂林市临桂区从2013年起,致力于从思想深处解决好认识问题,积极探索新形势下基层理论宣讲大众化、多元化、通俗化的新路子,通过思想观念、传播方式和人才培养创新,推动理论政策传播与文艺、新媒体相融合,把理 Grassroots work is the end result of all work. As the actual performer of the various principles and policies of the Party and government, the direct organizers of local political, economic, cultural and social construction are of crucial importance to the theoretical accomplishment of the grassroots cadres and the implementers. In order to completely solve the problems that the cadres at the grassroots level are unwilling to learn, do not want to learn and do not know where to learn theory, Guilin Lingui District has been working hard to solve the problem of understanding from the deep-seated point of view and actively explore the theory of grass-roots theory under the new situation Popularize, diversify and popularize new ways, cultivate and innovate through ideological concepts, modes of communication and personnel training, promote the integration of theoretical policy dissemination and literature and art, and new media
我部探矿工程司主办的“探矿工程”月刊,为了更及时的指导生产,从60年1月份起将改为半月刊(笫一季度每期为20页,0.15元,第二季度职后,每期为28页,0.20元)。 In order to gui
本文对北京市交通学校在学生顶岗实习环节,如何借鉴德国学习领域课程模式,构建以校企合作为框架、以工学结合为内容的工学整合式顶岗实习教学改革过程进行了探索。 This pap
介绍了用直方图简化校正因子的求取过程。 The histogram simplification of the correction factor is introduced.