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我的女儿12岁。她在谈话、回答问题、说笑话、转移话题方面一直都很自如。但是到13岁时,她开始使用让人费解的青春期语言了。尽管这种语言的发音没什么两样,可和普通语言有着不同的意思。猛一听,话的意思似乎很清楚,家长相信自己听明白了,但回头一想,却又发现自己根本不明白她说的是什么意思。我的几位朋友也有同感。朋友的孩子现在有的当了大使,有的已是银行董事长,那段日子已经过去了,我们时孩子们的青春期语言有了些认识。我们想告诉各位家长,如果对这种青春期语言有个基本的了解,我想家长的日子会好过些。青春期语言的主要表现是说话时的语气——拖长声和忽高忽低。大多数家长听到过孩子拖着长声说“行啊”这种语调。例如你让孩子把垃圾倒了,孩子回答:“行啊。”这句话包含的意思是:(a)别烦我:(b)你自己没长腿?(c)我最厌烦这种家长作风,可还得承认这种权威去倒掉这该死的垃圾:(d)出于对你的感情和对长辈的尊重,我去倒垃圾:(e)好吧。 My daughter is 12 years old. She has always been comfortable talking, answering questions, joking, and moving topics. But by the age of 13, she began to use puzzling adolescent language. Although the pronunciation of this language is no different, it can have different meanings than ordinary languages. A fierce listening, the words seem very clear meaning, parents believe that they understand, but turned around and found themselves simply do not understand what she meant. A few of my friends share the same feeling. Some of our friends’ children are ambassadors now, and some of them are the bank’s chairman. Those days are over. The children’s adolescent language was somewhat recognized by us. We would like to tell parents that if we have a basic understanding of this adolescent language, I think the days of parents will be better. The main manifestation of adolescent language is the tone of talking - prolonged sound and high and low. Most parents have heard children dragging their voices to say “OK ah” tone. For example, if you have your child dump the rubbish, the child replies: “OK ah. ” This sentence contains the meanings: (a) do not bother me: (b) you do not have long legs? (C) I am most annoying Kind of parental style may still have to be recognized as authority to dump this damned rubbish: (d) For the sake of your feelings and respect for elders, I go rubbish: (e) Alright.
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