Passage Two

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  Passage Two
  Jay Wilson was my English teacher at Lake Forest High School. It was he who 1 my potential in writing, and his 2 made me a writer eventually.
  He was kind to me, but I had no 3 that he took particular notice of me. There were other 4 kids in the class, and soon I fell back into my usual 5 and thought that I was just a little over average in most things. Near the end of the term, we began to read the play—Macbeth. Believe me, this is not an easy play for high school students to 6 , so I spent a lot of time reading it. After working till the night before it was due, I wrote a paper about the 7 — the first paper I typed on a typewriter—and turned it 8 the next day.
  I got a good 9 on it, and below the grade Mr Wilson wrote, “Sure 10 you become a writer.” That was it. Those six words were written in his clear and neat handwriting. It was the first time he or anyone had 11 in any way that writing was a 12 option for me. We’d never had any writers in our family line, and we didn’t know any writers personally, even 13 , so writing for a living didn’t seem something 14 to me. But then, just like that, Jay Wilson tapped my hidden 15 and let me see a wider world.
  Over the next 10 years, I often 16 about Mr Wilson’s six words. Whenever I felt discouraged, it was those six words that came back to me and gave me 17 . When a few instructors in college gently and not-so-gently tried to tell me I had no talent, I held Mr Wilson’s 18 before me to protect myself. I didn’t 19 what anyone else thought. Mr Wilson, head of the whole English department at Lake Forest High, 20 I could be a writer. So I put my head down and struggled forward.
  1. A. dug B. realized C. invented D. recognized
  2. A. knowledge B. confidence C. influence D. attention
  3. A. intention B. concern C. doubt D. sense
  4. A. older B. smarter C. richer D. luckier
  5. A. location B. position C. motivation D. qualification
  6. A. understand B. tell C. consider D. accept
  7. A. work B. term C. class D. play
  8. A. on B. off C. in D. up
  9. A. grade B. praise C. idea D. start
  10. A. wonder B. hope C. make D. help
  11. A. arranged B. persuaded C. announced D. indicated
  12. A. career B. study C. hobby D. method
  13. A. distantly B. frequently C. actually D. obviously
  14. A. necessary B. precious C. different D. available
  15. A. talent B. memory C. secret D. opinion
  16. A. worried B. thought C. heard D. wrote
  17. A. impression B. improvement C. imagination D. strength
  18. A. actions B. wisdom C. words D. duty
  19. A. care B. predict C. ignore D. learn
  20. A. proved B. said C. promised D. answered
过去的几十年里,躲过数次劫难的猫儿山如今仍然有60%以上的原生林,这样的保护区在我国境内已经屈指可数了。从生态学上讲,原始林是最好的林子,是保护区最根本也是最重要的本底资源,猫儿山也因此才有非常高的生物多样性。这也是猫儿山在2003年成为国家级自然保护区、2011年成为世界生物圈保护区的重要原因。  猫儿山自然保护区有两个最大的特点:第一,它是中亚很有代表性的常绿阔叶林森林生态系统。生物多样性非常
摘要:为了构建一个好的班集体,需要与学生建立良好的师生关系、选拔培养优秀的班干部、加强日常管理、组织开好主题班会,从而创造学生健康发展的教学氛围,促进学生的全面发展。为了提升班级管理质量,需要采取有效的方式,加强学生的思想道德建设,促进学生形成正确的人生观、世界观,为学生的发展打下坚实的基础。  关键词:班主任;师生关系;班风;班集体  中图分类号:G635.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671
摘要:主持人的驾驭能力,是节目能不能够如期展开、顺利展开的重要条件,尤其是现场谈话节目存在着一定的差异性,所以整个节目基本上不可能完全一致的按照预期所规划的展开,而这个时候,主持人的驾驭能力,就显得非常重要了。本文简单的探讨主持人访谈中的驾驭能力。  关键词:主持人;能力;驾驭  主持人、被采访者、现场观众以及电视机前的观众,都是采访节目中的重要组成因素。而采访活动,是主持人与被采访者之间言语的沟