Characteristics of deslanoside-induced modulation on jejunal contractility

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psh860525
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AIM:To characterize the dual effects of deslanoside on the contractility of jejunal smooth muscle.METHODS:Eight pairs of different low and high contractile states of isolated jejunal smooth muscle fragment(JSMF) were established.Contractile amplitude of JSMF in different low and high contractile states was selected to determine the effects of deslanoside,and Western blotting analysis was performed to measure the effects of deslanoside on myosin phosphorylation of jejunal smooth muscle.RESULTS:Stimulatory effects on the contractility of JSMF were induced(45.3% ± 4.0% vs 87.0% ± 7.8%,P < 0.01) by deslanoside in 8 low contractile states,and inhibitory effects were induced(180.6% ± 17.8% vs 109.9% ± 10.8%,P < 0.01) on the contractility of JSMF in 8 high contractile states.The effect of deslanoside on the phosphorylation of myosin light chain of JSMF in low(78.1% ± 4.1% vs 96.0% ± 8.1%,P < 0.01) and high contractile state(139.2% ± 8.5% vs 105.5 ± 7.34,P < 0.01) was also bidirectional.Bidirec-tional regulation(BR) was abolished in the presence of tetrodotoxin.Deslanoside did not affect jejunal contractility pretreated with the Ca 2+ channel blocker verapamil or in a Ca 2+-free assay condition.The stimulatory effect of deslanoside on JSMF in a low contractile state(low Ca 2+ induced) was abolished by atropine.The inhibitory effect of deslanoside on jejunal contractility in a high contractile state(high Ca 2+ induced) was blocked by phentolamine,propranolol and L-NG-nitroarginine,respectively.CONCLUSION:Deslanoside-induced BR is Ca 2+ dependent and is related to cholinergic and adrenergic systems when JSMF is in low or high contractile states. AIM: To characterize the dual effects of deslanoside on the contractility of jejunal smooth muscle. METHODS: Eight pairs of different low and high contractile states of isolated jejunal smooth muscle fragments (JSMF) were established. Contractile amplitude of JSMF in different low and high contractile was selected to determine the effects of deslanoside, and Western blotting analysis was performed to measure the effects of deslanoside on myosin phosphorylation of jejunal smooth muscle. RESULTS: Stimulatory effects on the contractility of JSMF were induced (45.3% ± 4.0% vs 87.0% ± 7.8%, P <0.01) by deslanoside in 8 low contractile states, and inhibitory effects were induced (180.6% ± 17.8% vs 109.9% ± 10.8%, P <0.01) on the contractility of JSMF in 8 high contractile states. effect of deslanoside on the phosphorylation of myosin light chain of JSMF in low (78.1% ± 4.1% vs 96.0% ± 8.1%, P <0.01) and high contractile state (139.2% ± 8.5% vs 105.5 ± 7.34, P <0.01) was also bidirectiona l.Bidirec-tional regulation (BR) was abolished in the presence of tetrodotoxin. Deslanoside did not affect jejunal contractility pretreated with the Ca 2+ channel blocker verapamil or in a Ca 2+ -free assay condition. the stimulatory effect of deslanoside on JSMF in a low contractile state (low Ca 2+ induced) was abolished by atropine. inhibitory effect of deslanoside on jejunal contractility in a high contractile state (high Ca 2+ induced) was blocked by phentolamine, propranolol and L-NG-nitroarginine, respectively. CONCLUSION: Deslanoside-induced BR is Ca 2+ dependent and is related to cholinergic and adrenergic systems when JSMF is in low or high contractile states.
2000年6月-2003年6月,笔者单位收治重度烧伤患儿123例,其中12例合并心力衰竭,发生率为9.8%.年龄8~51个月[(17.4±2.6)个月],烧伤面积5%~64%,深度创面占18%~40%TBSA.复苏时间在伤后4-21 h,出现心功能不全及创面脓毒症时间为伤后第4-6天[(5±2) d].创面及血液细菌培养结果均检出铜绿假单胞菌(为多重耐药菌株),另检出粪肠球菌7例,大肠埃希菌6例,
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