High profits may be a bad warning! If your business is in a high-margin industry, please be aware of the underlying problems. The famous Soviet economist Nikicula Kondratiev proposed a Kondratiev cycle theory. He believes that the development of the world economy is limited to the “science and technology wave” every 50 years. In the 20 years after this cycle, industries often enjoy huge excess profits. In fact, this excess profit is the original capital recovery of investment, said the growth of the industry has gradually stagnated, no longer need the continued investment of capital. After this period of not more than 20 years of high profits, it is often followed by a sudden industrial crisis followed by a period of nearly two decades of stagnation waiting for the emergence of a new and growing industry. Kondratiev used this model to predict that the crisis of sharp decline in production in the former Soviet Union would lead to collectivized operations. This forecast proved accurate indeed afterwards. However, Kondratiev was foretold this cause of death disaster, Stalin was executed in the 1930s.