Pu Tao, the photographer of this group of pictures, is a famous photographer renowned both at home and abroad for shooting wild giant pandas. In the past 40 years, he worked tirelessly, over the mountains, climbed the snow and covered the giant panda habitat in China, photographing a large number of wild giant pandas. In 1984, a rare large area of arrow bamboo blooming occurred in the Sichuan Qionglai Mountain, the main habitat of the Panda. Large numbers of bamboo died and the panda was in danger of losing food. In mid-April of this year, Pu Tao accompanied members of the television production team of the Sichuan Provincial Forestry Department to come together in Salt Township, Baoxing County, Sichuan Province to film a feature film that reflected the panda’s devastation. In front of a villager in Yanjing Township, they found a young panda wandering around. The panda looks very hungry, it seems that many days have not eaten.