A Discourse Stylistic Approach to the Critics of Christie's Works

来源 :Comparative Literature:East & West | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allonwxg
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Having been neglected and refused by the academic circles for many years,a conversational analysis in the light of discourse stylistics remains to be a blank in the study of the detective genre both at home and abroad.In order to fill in this blank in stylistic and critic field and also to remind readers of the particular glamour of this genre from the angle of language instead of only from plotting, the present paper discusses the importance of conversation in Christie’s writing,makes a tentative stylistic study focusing on conversational analysis,sums up functions of conversations in Christie’s works and explores the reasons of the long-lasting fascination of her writing.The purpose is to promote a better appreciation of the detective genre, therefore,to reconsider the critic value of this branch of popular literature from the angle of discourse stylistics. Having been neglected and refused by the academic circles for many years, a conversational analysis in the light of discourse stylistics remains to be a blank in the study of the detective genre both at home and abroad.In order to fill in this blank in stylistic and critic field and also to remind readers of the particular glamor of this genre from the angle of language instead of only from plotting, the present paper discusses the importance of conversation in Christie’s writing, makes a tentative stylistic study focusing on conversational analysis, sums up functions of conversations in Christie’s works and explores the reasons of the long-lasting fascination of her writing. The purpose is to promote a better appreciation of the detective genre, therefore, to reconsider the critic value of this branch of popular literature from the angle of discourse. stylistics.
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