抓投入 增效益 促发展——衡水市桃城区乡镇企业管理局的几点做法

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“八五”期间、衡水市桃城区乡镇企业连续四年持续健康地高速度向前发展、在全市连续四年综合评比中名列第一。这些成绩的取得是与近几年的大投入分不开的。近几年桃城区乡镇企业管理局把投入列入重要工作日程,加大投入力度、深度、广度。基本上实现了大投入促进大产出、大产出推动高速度,高速度带来了高效益的良性循环的目标。四年来累计投入固定资产7亿元左右。“八五”末期和“七五”末期相比,桃城区乡镇企业总收入从4.7亿元增加到了26亿元,增长了5倍,利润增长了4.4倍,税金增长了2.2倍。在抓投入开发工作中主要有以下几点做法:1.统一各级领导的思想认识,形成共识,不断加大投入开发的力度,是搞好投入开发工作的思想保证和组织保证。近几年来, During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, township enterprises in Taocheng District of Hengshui City continued to develop at a healthy and high speed for four consecutive years and ranked first in the city’s four consecutive comprehensive evaluations. The achievement of these achievements is inseparable from the large investment in recent years. In recent years, the Taocheng District Township Enterprise Administration Bureau has placed its input on the agenda of important work and increased input, depth, and breadth. Basically, it has achieved a virtuous circle with large input, large output, large output, high speed, and high speed. In the past four years, a total of 700 million yuan has been invested in fixed assets. Compared with the end of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period and the seventh quarter-final period, the total income of township enterprises in Taocheng District has increased from 470 million yuan to 2.6 billion yuan, a five-fold increase, a 4.4-fold increase in profits, and a 2.2-fold increase in taxes . There are mainly the following points in implementing the development work: 1. Unify the ideological understanding of the leaders at all levels, form a consensus, and continuously increase the intensity of investment in development. This is an ideological guarantee and organizational guarantee for the development of inputs. In recent years,
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