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目的分析广西省柳江县手足口病的流行病学情况,为制定手足口病预防控制措施和策略提供科学依据。方法利用疾病监测信息报告管理系统,收集2011年柳江县手足口病疫情资料,并进行描述统计分析。结果 2011共报告手足口病2 321例,重症病例3例,无死亡病例。4—6月报告1 487例,占总病例数的64.07%;0~3岁儿童报告病例2 135例,占总病例数的91.99%,对年龄组发病率进行卡方检验,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。以散居儿童为主,1 799例,占77.51%;其次为托幼儿童509例,占总病例数的21.93%。按照职业发病率进行卡方检验,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),幼托儿童和散居儿童发病率显著高于小学生。临床表现以发热和手、足、口腔出现疱疹为主,且伴有消化道症状如恶心、呕吐、食欲差等;重症患者EV71检出率为100%。结论 2011年柳江县手足口病主要发生在以散居为主的3岁以下儿童,春夏季节多发,卫生状况较差的农村地区是重点预防控制地区,农村散居儿童为重点易感儿童,今后应加强对重点地区、重点人群的手足口病预防控制工作。应加强在流行季节的预防控制及3岁以下手足口病患儿的病原学监测,减少重症或死亡病例的发生。 Objective To analyze the epidemiology of hand-foot-mouth disease in Liujiang County, Guangxi Province, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control measures and strategies of hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods The disease surveillance information report management system was used to collect the data of hand-foot-mouth disease outbreak in Liujiang County in 2011 and to describe the statistical analysis. Results A total of 2 321 hand-foot-mouth disease cases were reported in 2011, 3 cases of severe cases and no deaths. In April-June, 1,487 cases were reported, accounting for 64.07% of the total number of cases; 2,135 cases were reported in children aged 0-3 years, accounting for 91.99% of the total number of cases, and the incidence of age group was tested by chi-square test Significance (P <0.01). The majority of children were scattered children, 1 799 cases, accounting for 77.51%; followed by 509 cases of kindergarten children, accounting for 21.93% of the total number of cases. According to the occupational incidence of chi-square test, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01), child care and diaspora incidence was significantly higher than primary school students. Clinical manifestations of fever and hand, foot, mouth, herpes-based, and associated with gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, poor appetite; severe cases EV71 detection rate was 100%. Conclusion Hand-foot-mouth disease in Liujiang County in 2011 mainly occurred in children under 3 years old, mainly in diaspora. In spring and summer, rural areas with poor sanitation status were the key areas for prevention and control, and rural diasporas were the most vulnerable children. In the future, Strengthen the prevention and control of hand, foot and mouth disease in key areas and key populations. Efforts should be made to strengthen the prevention and control of epidemics and the etiological surveillance of children with HFMD under the age of 3 to reduce the occurrence of severe cases or deaths.