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一、问题的提出省教委90[45]号文件颁发以来,各校都在探讨教育由“应试教育”向素质教育转轨问题,至今已七年多时间.其间,对素质教育的认识不断提高,对素质教育的实施和研究不断深入.时至今日,省教委提出区域推进素质教育,素质教育的核心是深化课程改革,载体也在课程改革上,而在课程没有完成改革的情况下,关键在课堂教学改革上.素质教育的重点在课堂,难点也在课堂,素质教育能否深入课堂是素质教育的生命力所在,是关系到素质教育生死存亡的大事,能否以素质教育思想来指导、设计课堂教学成为素质教育发展的瓶颈.为此,素质教育的理论工作者和实践工作者喊出了素质教育以学科课程为主阵地,以课堂教学为主战场的口号,打响了素质教育的攻坚战,从而在观念上纠正了那种以“学校环境布置得漂漂亮亮,课外活动开展得有声有色,素质教育就大功告成”的错误倾向和片面看法,确立了课堂是教书育人、深入实施素质教育的中心地位. I. Problems raised Since the issuance of the Provincial Education Commission’s No. 90 [45] document, all schools have been discussing the issue of transition from “exam-oriented education” to quality-oriented education in education. It has been more than seven years since then. During this period, awareness of quality education has been continuously improved. The implementation and research of quality education has continued to deepen. To this day, the Provincial Education Commission has proposed regional promotion of quality education. The core of quality education is to deepen the curriculum reform, and the carrier is also in the curriculum reform, and in the case that the curriculum has not been completed, the key lies in In classroom teaching reform, the focus of quality education is in the classroom and the difficulty is also in the classroom. Whether quality education can penetrate into the classroom is the vitality of quality education. It is a major event related to the survival of quality education. Can we use quality education ideas to guide and design classrooms? Teaching has become the bottleneck of the development of quality education. For this reason, the theoretical workers and practitioners of quality education have shouted the slogans of quality education focusing on discipline courses, classroom teaching as the main battlefield, and the tough battle of quality education. In terms of concept, the kind of correctness is that “the school environment has been beautifully decorated, extra-curricular activities have been carried out in an impressive manner, and quality education has achieved great success. As "error prone and one-sided view, is to establish a classroom teaching, in-depth implementation of the centrality of quality education.
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本刊讯 在千禧之年来临前夕,全国教育期刊社长、总编辑和《人民教育》通联组长,于1999年11月3日至6日聚首改革开放的前沿广东。这次会议的主题是:为贯彻第三次全国教育工作会议精神,深化