
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hai123321
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目的:研究在传染病重症护理中开展风险管理的方法及效果。方法:以医院在重症监护室传染病风险管理实践为研究对象,通过对护士和患者进行问卷调查的方式,分析风险管理实施前后在风险管理意识、态度、行为和质量上的差异,比较两者在风险事件发生率、护患纠纷投诉率、护理满意度上的差异。结果:风险管理实施后,护士在风险管理意识、风险管理态度、风险管理行为和护理质量考核评分等方面均高于实施之前(P<0.05)。风险事件、护患纠纷均低于实施之前(P<0.05),患者满意度有所提升但并不明显。结论:重症传染病护理中实施风险管理,能够有效提高护士的风险意识、工作质量,利于减少护患纠纷,提高护理满意度。 Objective: To study the methods and effects of risk management in intensive care of infectious diseases. Methods: Taking the risk management practice of infectious diseases in intensive care unit as the research object, this paper analyzes the differences in risk management awareness, attitude, behavior and quality before and after the implementation of risk management through questionnaire survey on nurses and patients. The incidence of risk events, nurse-patient disputes rate of complaint, nursing satisfaction differences. Results: After the implementation of risk management, nurses were higher than those before implementation (P <0.05) in risk management awareness, risk management attitude, risk management behaviors and nursing quality assessment scores. Risk events, nurses and patients were less than before the implementation of the dispute (P <0.05), patient satisfaction has improved but not obvious. Conclusion: The implementation of risk management in the intensive care of infectious diseases can effectively improve the nurses’ awareness of risk and quality of work, and help to reduce nurse-patient disputes and improve nursing satisfaction.
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1 病例报告 患者男,61岁。因反复咳嗽、咳痰15年,加重伴大咯血2天,于1996年2月22日入院。诊断:①浸润型肺结核(上、中、下)/(上、中、下)涂(+)进展期并咯血;②慢支炎、肺气
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