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中小企业是中国经济发展的不竭动力,但是融资问题一直是困扰中小企业发展的难题,尤其是随着全球金融危机的出现,中小企业融资难问题愈来愈突出。本文详细分析了金融危机下中国中小企业的融资现状及其融资难的内外原因,从国家、银行和中小企业三个方面提出了解决中小企业融资难具体措施。 SMEs are an inexhaustible motive force for China’s economic development. However, the issue of financing has always been a problem that plagued the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Especially with the advent of the global financial crisis, the financing difficulties of SMEs have become increasingly prominent. This article analyzes in detail the financing status of SMEs in China during the financial crisis and the reasons for their difficulties in financing, and puts forward specific measures to solve the financing difficulties for SMEs from the three aspects of the state, banks and small and medium-sized enterprises.
随着科学技术的发展,人们逐渐对各种具有一定联系并完成同一任务的事物用“系统”的理论进行研究,以期使复杂的事物最佳地满足予定的要求。 With the development of scienc
青年心理学家认为:青春期是人的第二次诞生。孩子要经过成长过程中脱胎换骨似的烦恼与痛苦,才能真正长大。 Young psychologists think that adolescence is the second bir
I1 .B6O1 1 .B16to2 1 .C26B3飞.B36B2 .B7、C12.八17C22.C27.D32 .B37D3 .D8 .0〕13.C18.八23C2日.B33.D38.04 .C日.A14.Bj 9.C24.B2只.日34 .039C5 .BIOC,丘日20 .B25 .C30
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青春期是家庭教育事故的高发期,厌学弃学,离家出走,早恋出轨……我们必须引起高度重视。 Adolescence is a high incidence of family education accidents, weariness and
为了促进邮政事业与国民经济的协调发展,国家已决定给予邮政“以邮养邮”政策。这项政策的含义是:以邮政的收入,补偿生产过程中的活劳动和物化劳动消耗,剩余部份全留 In ord
1 病例报告 患者男,61岁。因反复咳嗽、咳痰15年,加重伴大咯血2天,于1996年2月22日入院。诊断:①浸润型肺结核(上、中、下)/(上、中、下)涂(+)进展期并咯血;②慢支炎、肺气